
2014-08-30 14:50阿卡索英语

“做某事有回报”,最常见的就是''be worth it''which uses to say that ''you gain something from an action'')。


1It was a lot of hard work, but it was worth it.(虽然工作难度、工作量都很大,但是值得一做。)



CHANDLER: You know, I don't think we brought enough stuff. Did you forget to pack the baby's anvil?

JOEY: I'm telling you, it's gonna be worth it. It's a known fact that women love babies, all right? Women love guys who love babies. It's the whole sensitive thing.

与“be worth it”相反,就是“be not worth it”(which uses to say that ''you do not gain anything from an action''),不值得去做。


I thought about trying to talk to him about it, but decided it wasn't worth it.(我本想试着跟他谈谈这事儿,但又想,谈了也没用。)


第二种说法就是''pay off ''if a plan or attempt or your hard work pays off, it brings you success after a long time)。


1My persistence finally paid off when they called me in for an interview/when I was offered the job of manager.(他们给了我面试的机会/我被任命为经理,我的付出终于有回报了。)



CHANDLER: Okay. Having a phone has finally paid off.


第三种说法就是''it pays to do something''if a particular action pays, it brings a good result or advantage for you)。


(1)Crime doesn't pay.(犯罪没好结果。)

(2)In my experience, it doesn't pay to argue with her.(据我以往的经验,跟她吵架没用。)

(3)It might pay to get your roof fixed before winter comes.(在冬天到来之前把屋顶修好,可能有利于过冬。)

(4)Taking care of your customers pays big dividends in the long run.(把顾客伺候好,长远来看,会带来巨大利润。)

dividends原意是“红利”,pay/bring dividends引申为''to be very useful and bring a lot of advantages, especially later in the future'',长远角度来说能够取得回报。


Good eating habits will pay dividends later on in life.(好的饮食习惯会使今后生活受益匪浅。)



Chandler: See, it pays to know the man who wears my shoes.

(Joey and Ross wonder what he means)

Chandler: —Me!


