
2014-09-25 12:06阿卡索英语

(上接 第一部分

1. it looks as if/it looks like : say this when the present situation makes you think that something is likely to happen or likely to be true 眼前的情况让你认为某事可能会发生或者可能是真的

备注: ''it looks as if/it looks like'' 常用于口语中。


There aren't any taxis. It looks as if we'll have to walk. (没的士,看来我们得走路了。)

Ted should be here by now. It looks like he's been delayed. (按说泰德现在应该到了。看起来可能他有事耽搁了。)

it looks like being: 常用于英式英语中

From the agenda, it looks like being a long meeting. (从议程上看,这个会可能要开很长时间。)


2. be on the cards /be in the cards : use this to say that something is likely to happen because of the present situation 根据眼前的情况推断某事可能会发生

备注: ''be on the cards'' 是英式英语的用法; ''be in the cards'' 是美式英语的用法。


They say that another recession is on the cards. (他们表示可能还会有新一轮的经济衰退。)

I was hoping for a promotion, but it doesn't seem to be in the cards right now. (我希望能得到晋升,但现在看来好像没可能。)

No one knows what's in the cards for the economy next year. (没人知道明年经济会怎样。)

Success wasn't in the cards for her. (她可能不会赢。)


3. I wouldn't be surprised : say this when you know enough about a situation to think that something is likely to happen or be true, especially something special or unusual 表示你对某种情况已经了然于心,即使将来发生什么特殊的事你也不会感到惊讶

备注: ''I wouldn't be surprised'' 常用于口语中。


You know, I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to get married. (他们结婚在我意料之中。)

I wouldn't be surprised to hear that she'd left that job by now. (听说她已经离职了,我一点儿也不吃惊。)


4. you never know: say this to show that you think there is some possibility that something might happen, even though it seems unlikely 即使某事看起来不太会发生,你还是觉得有一点可能性

备注: ''you never know'' 常用于口语中。


I'd love to be a doctor, but you have to be very clever for that. Still, you never know. (我很想当医生,但是当医生脑袋要够聪明。可能当得上,可能当不上,谁知道呢。)

You never know—you might win the lottery. (你可能会中彩票。)

You never know who will show up. (说不准谁会来。)

You never know with her parties: anyone could show up. (她的派对不好说,可能会有意想不到的人出现。)


5. likely : something that is likely will probably happen or is probably true 某事很有可能发生 / 很有可能是真的


The most likely result is a win for the Democrats. (民主党最有可能赢得大选。)

likely to do something

The price of petrol is likely to rise again this year. (今年油价可能还要上涨。)

very likely

The jury is very likely to believe he was in the apartment at the time of the crime. (陪审团很可能会相信,案发时他在这个公寓里。)


6. potential : a potential problem, advantage, effect etc. is not a problem, advantage etc. now, but it may become one in the future 某问题 / 情形现在还不是个问题,但将来可能就是了


For the first time she realized the potential danger of her situation. (她第一次意识到自己的处境可能很危险。)

It is important for manufacturers to identify potential problems at the design stage. (对生厂商来说,在设计阶段就发现潜在的问题是很重要的。)

potential customer/buyer/student etc. (=someone who may become a customer, buyer etc. in the future) 潜在客户 / 买家 / 学生等等

a way of making the college more attractive to potential students (让这所大学变得对潜在学生群体更有吸引力的方法)


7. shot : a chance that something will happen or be achieved 几率,可能性


It is a 10 to 1 shot that he'll be on time. (他会准时到的可能性只有 1/10 。)

The team has a good shot at winning. (这个队很可能赢。)




