
2014-11-20 12:56阿卡索英语

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1. Lily: Nothing too huge or poofy . I'm not really a girly girl.   (婚纱不要太大也不要太蓬松,我不是那种爱花哨的小女生。)


1 poofy: poofy hair or clothes look big and soft or filled with air 宽大蓬松的


a blouse with big poofy sleeves (袖子宽大的衬衫)

2 girly: a girl or woman who is girly behaves in a silly way, for example by pretending to be shy or always thinking about how she looks 指小女生爱发嗲或者很注重外表等等

备注: ''girly'' 也可以拼写成 ''girlie''


2. Woman: By the window? No offense, dear, but those are a little out of your price range. (窗边的那些?恕我冒昧,那些你可能买不起。)

Lily:  Where does she get off ? She doesn't know how much money I make. (她凭什么这样说?她又不知道我赚多少钱!)


Where does somebody get off (doing something): said when you think someone has done something to you that they do not have a right to do  XX 有什么资格这样说 /


Where does he get off telling me how to live my life? (他有什么资格把控我的人生?) =I don't know where he gets off telling me what to do.

Where does he get off telling me what to do? (他有什么资格命令我?) =he has no right to tell me what to do.


3. Victoria: Oh, these women are experts. They can guess your net annual income just by looking at your underwear. (这些女人都是人精。她们只要看一眼你的内衣,就能猜出你一年的净收入是多少。)


net: the net amount is the final amount that remains after all the other amounts have been taken away  (形容词)净利,最终额


The net profit (= after taxes, costs etc.) was up 16.3% last month. (上个月的净利润达 16.3% 。)

The company reported a net loss of $56 million last year. (公司称去年净亏损 5600 万美元。)

Vernon estimates the company's net worth at over $8 billion. (弗农预估公司的资本净值超过 80 亿美元。)

The United States is a net importer of beef (= it imports more than it exports). (美国是牛肉的净进口国。(即是美国进口牛肉比它自己出口牛肉要多。)

net weight : the weight of something without its container (净重)

''net'' 也可以做副词,如:

He earns $40,000 net. (他净赚 4 万美元。)

jars of coffee weighing 450 grams net (净重 450 克的罐装咖啡)

补充: ''net'' 的反义词 ''gross'' ,表示 ''a gross sum of money is the total amount before any tax or costs have been taken away'' 毛利,总额


a gross profit of $5 million (毛利润 500 万美元)

gross income/salary/pay etc (税前收入)

a family with gross earnings of just £75 per week (这家人每周总共才有 75 英镑收入)

gross weight : the total weight of something, including its wrapping (毛重)


4. Victoria: I know it sounds lame , but I actually think that Ted might be The One. (虽然这话听上去很不靠谱,可我真的觉得泰德就是我的真命天子。)


lame: a lame excuse or explanation is weak and difficult to believe 蹩脚的,差劲的


lame excuse/explanation

She gave some lame excuse about missing the bus. (她没赶上公车,为此编了个蹩脚的理由。)

I don't want to hear any of your lame excuses about being late. (我不想再听你为迟到编出的愚蠢借口了。)

本剧 S01E08 中:

That's the lamest, most pathetic cop-out in the book. (那可是史上最蹩脚最牵强的借口了。)

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