
2015-04-15 11:02阿卡索英语

<;p>;  Thank you for your coming.<;/p>; <;p>;  谢谢阁下光临。<;/p>; <;p>;  I can't eat any more.<;/p>; <;p>;  我不能再吃了。<;/p>; <;p>;  Would you like some wine?<;/p>; <;p>;  你想喝酒吗?<;/p>; <;p>;  I can have a little.<;/p>; <;p>;  我可以喝一点。<;/p>; <;p>;  How is the weather today?<;/p>; <;p>;  今天天气怎样?<;/p>; <;p>;  What do you think of the chicken soup?<;/p>; <;p>;  你觉得这鸡汤好喝吗?<;/p>; <;p>;  What places did you visit?<;/p>; <;p>;  你参观了哪些地方?<;/p>; <;p>;  I've never been to Peking.<;/p>; <;p>;  我从未去过北京。<;/p>; <;p>;  May I speak to Mr.Lee?<;/p>; <;p>;  我请李先生讲话好吗?<;/p>; <;p>;  He is not at home.<;/p>; <;p>;  他不在家。<;/p>; <;p>;  When will he be back?<;/p>; <;p>;  他什么时候回来?<;/p>; <;p>;  He is on a business trip.<;/p>; <;p>;  他因公出差去了。<;/p>; <;p>;  Call me a taxi, please.<;/p>; <;p>;  请替我叫辆计程车。<;/p>; <;p>;  How long will it take?<;/p>; <;p>;  要花多少时间?<;/p>; <;p>;  How long are you staying?<;/p>; <;p>;  你会停留多久?<;/p>; <;p>;  Where are you living now?<;/p>; <;p>;  你现在住在哪里?<;/p>; <;p>;  To make a phone call<;/p>; <;p>;  打一个电话<;/p>; <;p>;  To receive a phone call<;/p>; <;p>;  接一个电话<;/p>; <;p>;  To get on/off the plane<;/p>; <;p>;  上飞机/下飞机<;/p>; <;p>;  Could you come this evening?<;/p>; <;p>;  今晚你能来吗?<;/p>; <;p>;  We're having a party tonight.<;/p>; <;p>;  今晚我们有个宴会。<;/p>; <;p>;  What time shall I come?<;/p>; <;p>;  我该什么时候到?<;/p>; <;p>;  About seven will be fine.<;/p>; <;p>;  大概七点钟。<;/p>; <;p>;  Could you wait here, please?<;/p>; <;p>;  请你在这里等好吗?<;/p>; <;p>;  Have another cup of coffee.<;/p>; <;p>;  请再来一杯咖啡。<;/p>; <;p>;  Hope I'll see you again.<;/p>; <;p>;  希望再看到你。<;/p>; <;p>;  You're the same as ever.<;/p>; <;p>;  你跟以前一样。<;/p>; <;p>;  My favourite sport is swimming.= Swimming is my favourite sport.<;/p>; <;p>;  我最喜欢的运动是游泳。<;/p>; <;p>;  Do you want to go?<;/p>; <;p>;  你想去吗?<;/p>; <;p>;  Do you have any suggestions?<;/p>; <;p>;  你有什么建议吗?<;/p>;<;p>;<;br>;<;/p>; <;p>;  【幽默<;a href="http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/">;英语外教<;/a>;,陪大家娱乐一下】<;/p>; <;p>;  - I just got back from the moon and it's a great, big ball of cheese.<;/p>; <;p>;  我刚从月球上回来,月球是一个非常大的圆圆的干酪。<;/p>; <;p>;  - Why did you come back?<;/p>; <;p>;  那你为什么回来呢?<;/p>; <;p>;  - To get some crackers.<;/p>; <;p>;  回来哪一些饼干啊。<;/p>;<;p>;<;br>;<;/p>;




