
2014-08-30 15:40阿卡索英语


1. control 某人对一切有控制/决定权


Heads of department can make some decisions, but the chairman has overall control within the company. (部门主管对一些事有决定权,但是公司内部都得听集团主席的。)

They seem to have no control over their children. (他们好像拿孩子们没办法。)

Who has control of the budget? (预算多少听谁的?)


2. be in control 控制全局


The president has been arrested, and the rebel forces are now in control.(总统被捕,现在叛军控制了局面。)

Mr. Li questioned whether the police were still in control of the situation.(李先生质疑警方是否还能控制得住局面。)


3. be in charge: to have control or responsibility for a group of people or an activity 负责某一组人或某事


He asked to speak to the person in charge. (他要和负责人说话。)

He is in charge of the investigation. (他负责这次调查。)

Stern put Davis in charge of the research team. (斯坦让戴维斯负责这个考察队。)

Owen came in and took charge of the situation. (欧文进来控制了局面。)


4. What somebody says, goes: used to say that someone has the power to make all the decisions and tell other people what to do表示“某人说了算,一切听他的”



Mrs. White is in charge, and what she says, goes. (怀特女士负责,一切听她指挥。)


5. call the tune/ shotsto control a situation so that everyone else has to do what you say, agree with you, etc. 表示“某人说了算,他怎么说大家就得怎么做,不能反对”


It's definitely my mother who calls the shots in my family. (我家里显然是我妈说了算。)

It's always been our policy that the customers should call the tune. (我们永恒的宗旨就是,顾客永远是对的。)


6. be in the driving seat(英式英语);be in the driver's seat(美式英语):to have more power than anyone else in a particular organization or situation, so that you control everything 表示“某人因为比其他人更有权力,因此说了算”


The Conservatives say that they are looking forward to the election, and are confident that they will soon be back in the driving seat. (保守党表示他们期待大选,并且坚信不久他们将重回王座。)

This is how the government is now made up, with the Socialists firmly in the driving seat. (这就是现政府组成,完全是社会党说了算。)


7. be the boss 某人是老大,一切听他的


You'd better ask Mom - she's the boss around here. (你最好问问妈妈吧,这里听她的!)

show somebody who's boss=show them that you're in control 下马威,显威风

He gave the dog a slap round the head, just to show him who was boss.(他对着那只狗劈头就是一巴掌,告诉它他才是主人。)


8. wear the trousers: to be the person who has most power in a relationship--use this especially to say that the woman in a relationship controls the man成为男女关系中更强势的一方(一般指女方强势)


I think you should talk to Pat - she's the one who wears the trousers in that household.(我觉得你该跟Pat说这事,那家里可是她说了算。)


9. keep/hold somebody/something in check: if you keep people in check, you control their behavior, especially so that they cannot behave badly; if you keep a situation, especially a bad one, in check, you stop it developing any further 管控某人/某事(使不做坏事/往坏发展)


The court heard that the general was unable to keep his troops in check. (王室听说这个将军管不住部队了。)

The disease is held in check by weekly injection of a power drug. (每周注射某药粉,这病得以控制。)
