
2014-10-28 12:43阿卡索英语


1. call :


To find out more, call 555-1972. (欲知详情,请致电 555-1972 。)

Can you call Becky before six? (你能 6:00 前打个电话给贝克吗?)

She called about twenty minutes ago. (约 20 分钟前,她来过电话。)

I think we should call a doctor. (我觉得我们应该打电话叫个医生来。)

I'm gonna call the cops! (我要报警了!)

call for

I'll call for a taxi now. (我现在打电话叫辆车来。)


2. phone :

备注:英式英语常用 ''ring''


I'll phone you if there's any news. (有消息的话我会打给你。)

Shall I ring Sarah to see if she wants to come out with us? (我要不要打个电话给莎拉,看看她想不想和我们一起出去?)

Did anyone ring while I was out? (我不在的时候,有没有电话找我?)

Jill phoned to tell you she'll see you tonight. (吉尔打电话来说,她今晚会跟你见面。)

phone for

Let's phone for a pizza tonight. (我们今晚打电话叫个披萨吧。)

phone/ring round (=telephone several people or organizations, especially to get information)

You'd better ring round some travel agents to get some prices. (你最好给多家旅行社都打打电话,问问价格。)


3. telephone : to speak to someone by telephone

备注: Telephone is more formal than phone or call, and is used especially in writing ''telephone'' ''phone'' ''call'' 都更正式, ''telephone'' 常用于书面语中。)


About five o'clock, a woman telephoned Tom. 5:00 左右,有位女士给汤姆来过电话。)

For details of your nearest tourist office telephone 4127. (欲知最近的旅游咨询处的详情,请拨 4127 。)

Mr Dodd telephoned this morning. (多德先生早上来过电话。)

telephone for

Telephone for more information. (打电话问一下详细情况。)


4. ring up : to speak to someone by telephone, especially in order to have a friendly conversation with them or to ask for information

备注:英式英语中,常用 ''ring/phone up'' ;美式英语中,常用 ''call up''


Your uncle rang up about an hour ago. (大约半小时前,你叔叔来过电话。)

"I don't know what time the last train is." "Well, phone up and find out." - 我不知道末班火车是几点的。   - 打电话问问就知道了。)

ring/call/phone up somebody

Why don't you call up Jackie and apologize? (你为什么不给杰基打个电话道个歉?)

She uses the office phone to phone up her friends in Sweden. (她用办公室的电话给瑞典的朋友打电话。)

ring/call/phone somebody up

John called him up to make sure of the date of the graduation ceremony. (约翰给他打了电话,确认了一下毕业典礼的时间。)

I might phone him up at home. (我可能会从家里打电话给他。)


5. give somebody a call : to speak to someone by telephone - use this especially when you are telling someone that you will telephone them, or when you are asking them to telephone

备注:这个说法常用于口语中。并且,美式英语中,常用 ''give somebody a call'' ;英式英语中,常用 ''give somebody a ring''


Just give me a call if you need anything. (需要什么尽管打电话向我要。)

Why don't I give you a ring later and find out when you'll be free? (我何不迟点打给你,问你何时有空?)

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