
2014-09-24 11:28阿卡索英语



1. 最常见的表示“睡眠”的英语单词,自然是:sleep


Most people sleep for about eight hours.(大多数人一天要睡8小时。)

He slept downstairs.(他睡在楼下。)

Did you sleep well?(你睡得好吗?)


2. 小睡、瞌睡:

take a nap: to sleep for a short time during the day 白天小睡一会儿

备注:美式英语常用''take a nap'',英式英语常用''have a nap''


I think I'll have a nap.(我觉得我得咪一会儿。)

She had been awake all night and was looking forward to taking a nap.(她一夜没睡,现在很想小睡一会儿。)


She has her afternoon nap at about two.(她大约2:00午休。)

Helen put the baby down for a nap after lunch.(午饭后,海伦让孩子去睡午觉。)

You can always tell when it's a baby's nap time because they start getting irritable.(你完全可以看出婴儿什么时候该睡觉,因为困的时候他们会很烦躁。)

A short nap may make you feel better.(小睡一会儿会好点。)(备注:这里也可以用''a little nap''。)

I’d like to have a brief nap in the afternoon.(我想午休一小会。)(备注:这里也可以用''a quick nap''。)

Try taking a power nap before the meeting.(开会前睡会觉充充电吧!)(备注:a power nap=a short sleep at work, that gives you more energy and concentration

I envied her ability to take catnaps at any time of the day.(她白天任何时候都是想睡就能睡着,我很羡慕这点。)(备注:a catnap=a very short sleep


have/catch forty winks:小睡一会儿

备注:''wink''的本意是“一眨眼、极短的时间”,如:表达“一夜未曾睡”,可以说''I didn't get a wink of sleep last night.''。这个词组较口语化。


I had time to catch forty winks before the flight.(在上飞机之前,我还有时间小睡一会儿。)

I'm just going to have forty winks.(我正要去小睡一会儿。)

I felt a lot better after I had had forty winks.(睡了一小会,我感觉好多了。)


have/take a snooze: to sleep for a short time, especially in a chair, not in a bed打盹儿(经常在椅子上而不在床上)



I think I'll have a quick snooze.(我觉得我得打个盹儿。)

I had a snooze and missed the end of the movie.(我只打了个盹儿,就错过了电影的结尾。)

He decided to have a snooze on the sofa while he was waiting for the others to get ready.(在等其他人各就各位的间隙,他决定在沙发上打个盹儿。)


doze: to sleep lightly, for example in a chair, and be easily woken打盹儿、瞌睡(经常在椅子上而不在床上)


I wasn't really asleep - I was just dozing.(我并没真正睡着,只是打了个盹儿。)

I must have dozed off halfway through the film.(我电影看到一半肯定睡着了。)

Edward was so tired he dozed off on the sofa.(爱德华太累了,在沙发上打起盹儿来。)

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