
2014-09-17 14:59阿卡索英语


1. shop : a building or place where things are sold 商店

备注:英式英语中常用 ''shop'' ,美式英语中常用 '' store ''


a garment shop (衣服店)

She's gone to the shops to get some milk. (她去店里买牛奶。)

Our local store has sold out of sugar for jam-making. (附近店里做酱用的糖都卖光了。)



2. supermarket : a large shop that sells a wide range of things, especially food, cleaning materials, and other things that people buy regularly 超市

备注:美式英语中常用 '' grocery store ''


a supermarket chain (连锁超市)

supermarket coupons (超市优惠券)

They plan to open a new supermarket next year. (他们计划明年开家超市。)

Supermarkets have cut down the number of plastic bags they distribute by 50%. (超市已将塑料袋使用量减少了一半。)

Can you get pine nuts from the grocery store? (你能去超市买点松子回来吗?)

I made a quick trip to the grocery store. (我匆匆去超市买了点东西。)

You make me go grocery shopping. (你让我去超市买东西。)


3. superstore : a very large shop that sells a large variety of goods 大型商店

备注: superstore=megastore ,请注意 ''superstore'' ''supermarket'' 的区别


an electronics superstore (大型电子商店)

Out-of-town superstores have taken business away from shops in the city center. (远郊的大型商店把市中心商店的生意都抢走了。)


4. mall : a large area where there are a lot of shops, especially a large building 商场


A new restaurant has opened at the mall. (商场里开了家新餐厅。)

We used to hang around together at the mall. (过去,我们常常一起逛商场。)


5. department store : a very large shop that is divided into several big parts, each of which sells one type of thing, such as clothes, furniture, or kitchen equipment 百货


He went around all the big department stores on Oxford Street. (牛津街所有百货商店他都逛遍了。)



6. convenience store : a shop in your local area that sells food, alcohol, magazines etc. and is often open 24 hours a day 便利店



Believe me, if his father wasn't so rich, that guy would be working in a convenience store. (相信我吧,如果那小子他爸不是这么有钱,他可能就得在便利店打工了。)


7. corner shop : a small local shop, usually on the corner of a street, that sells food, newspapers, cigarettes etc. 小卖店,小型商店

备注:英式英语中常用 ''corner shop'' ,美式英语中常用 '' corner store ''


The corner shop's started selling sandwiches now, and I'd rather go there than the supermarket. (街角小店也开始卖三明治了,比起去超市买三明治,我更愿意就去那儿买。)

His parents ran a little corner store in the Castro in San Francisco. (他爸妈在旧金山的卡斯特罗市开了家小杂货店。)


8. kiosk : a very small shop on a street, that has an open window where you can buy newspapers, cigarettes, chocolate etc. 售卖亭


There must be a kiosk selling phone cards around here somewhere. (附近肯定有卖电话卡的小店。)


9. boutique : a small shop that sells fashionable clothes or other usually expensive things 服饰店,小型奢侈品商店


a little boutique which specializes in bath products (专门卖高档洗浴用品的小店)

补充: boutique hotel : a small expensive hotel, decorated in a fashionable way  精品酒店

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