
2014-09-27 17:42阿卡索英语

前两讲 介绍的词句还都是用以形容“小害怕”的东西,当你被吓得“毛骨悚然”时,英文又该怎么表达呢?

1. make your hair stand on end: if something such as a story or account makes your hair stand on end it makes you very frightened

备注:''make your hair stand on end''是较口语化的用法。


Wait until I tell you about the murder - it'll make your hair stand on end.(我要跟你说的这个谋杀案,保证你吓得头发根根直立。)

I've heard rumors about how the captain disciplines his crew... things to make your hair stand on end.(我听传言说这个船长怎么惩处船员,那手段吓得你头发倒竖。)


2. send shivers down your spine: if a thought or experience sends shivers down your spine, it makes you feel very frightened especially because it involves someone or something that is very evil 毛骨悚然,后脊发凉


When you think of what happened in that house, it sends shivers down your spine.(想想发生在这所房子里的事,你会毛骨悚然的。)

Mere mention of his name is enough to send shivers down the spine of even the most battle-hardened fighter.(仅仅提到他的名字,就足以让千锤百炼的斗士们胆寒。)

The very thought of what those people did sends shivers down my spine.(光是想想他们的所作所为,我就毛骨悚然。)

''send shivers down your spine''类似的还有:

give somebody the shivers:


The look in his eyes gave me the shivers.(他的眼神让我很害怕。)

a shiver runs down your spine:


A cold shiver ran down my spine when I heard his voice.(我听到他的声音,后脊发凉。)


3. send chills down your spine: 毛骨悚然,后脊发凉


His words sent chills down my spine.(他的话让我后脊发凉。)

''send chills down your spine''类似的还有:

give somebody the chills:


The novel's final scene gave him the chills.(这个小说的结尾让他毛骨悚然。)


A) ''chill''做名词:


I feel a chill every time I look at the photograph.(我每次看这照片,都会激灵一下。)

Fay felt a chill of fear as she watched Max go off with her daughter. (马克思带走了菲的女儿,菲看着这一切,突然感到害怕。)

The sound of his dark laugh sent a chill through her.(他邪恶的笑声让她背脊发凉。)

B) ''chill''做动词:


Here's a ghost story that will chill you.(这是个会让你毛骨悚然的鬼故事。)

Her screams chilled me to the bone/marrow.(她的叫声让我毛骨悚然。)(备注:''marrow''是“骨髓”的意思。)

a horrible sight that chilled my bones/blood.(让我毛骨悚然的可怕的一幕)


4. make your blood run cold: if a thought or experience makes your blood run cold, it shocks and frightens you because it is extremely cruel, violent, or dangerous

备注:也可写作''make your blood curdle''''curdle''是“凝固”的意思。


The thought of ever returning to the prison makes his blood run cold.(一想到要重返监狱,他吓得手脚冰凉。)

The man stepped forward, and when Emily saw him give a Nazi salute, it made her blood run cold.(那人走上前敬了个纳粹礼,艾米丽看了,吓得手脚冰凉。)

a ghost story that will make your blood curdle(一个会让你吓得手脚冰凉的鬼故事)

The mere sight of a cockroach makes my blood curdle.(光看一眼蟑螂,我就会吓得手脚冰凉。)




