
2014-09-26 11:42阿卡索英语


1. be different: to think or behave in a way that is unusual


advertising that tries to be different(力求与众不同的广告)

The movie certainly was different.(这部电影确实与众不同。)

For teenagers, it's important to speak and dress like their friends. They really don't want to be different.(对于青少年来说,言谈穿着合群是很重要的,他们不想跟朋友们格格不入。)


2. not belong/not fit in: someone who does not belong or does not fit in is so different that people do not like them, do not help them to become one of the group etc.


From the moment she first joined the company, Sally just didn't belong.(莎莉从刚进公司起,就觉得不能融入。)

She was here for 15 years, but she never really belonged.(她在这儿生活15年了,但她并没有真正融入。)

Until we learned the language, we felt that we didn't fit in. But after that the people seemed to accept us.(我们学了他们的语言,才开始觉得能融入了,大家开始讲一样的语言,他们好像接受我们。)

It's a good school, but I feel like I just don't fit in here.(这是所好学校,但我觉得我就是不能融入。)

No matter how hard she tried, she just didn't fit in.(不管她怎么努力,她就是无法融入。)

The chair fit in well with the rest of the office.(这张凳子和办公室里的其他东西很搭。)


3. be on a different wavelength: if two people are on a different wavelength, they have very different ideas and attitudes from each other, with the result that they do not understand each other


My dad doesn't understand me. He's on a completely different wavelength from me.(我爸爸不理解我,他和我的想法完全不同。)

We'd been married for twenty years, but we just were on different wavelengths.(我们结婚20年了,但是我们想法就是不一样,就是不能了解对方。)

补充''be on a different wavelength''的反义词组''be on the same wavelength''


We are usually on the same wavelength.(我们常常心意相通。)


4. stick/stand out like a sore thumb: to be very different from the people around you especially in the way you dress or look, so that people notice you and look at you


You can't come to the restaurant dressed in jeans. You'd stick out like a sore thumb.(你去那家餐厅吃饭不能穿牛仔裤,那样太扎眼了。)

I wasn't wearing the right clothes for the party, and I stuck out like a sore thumb.(我去参加派对穿着不得体,结果大家都看着我。)


5. be out of step/sync: to be different from the other people in a group because you behave in a different way and have different ideas


One of the dancers was out of step.(有个舞者踏错步子了。)

All the clocks in the office are out of sync.(办公室的钟显示时间各不相同。)

be out of step/sync with

Critics say the rule is out of step with the times.(评论家指出这个规则已经落伍了。)

His actions are completely out of sync with our goals.(他的所作所为和我们的目标背道而驰。)




