
2014-11-11 12:29阿卡索英语

1. circumstances : the situation at a particular time, which influences what people do, what they decide, and what can happen


the circumstances

TV cameras are sometimes allowed in the courts, but it depends on the circumstances. (有时候法庭允许摄像机拍摄,但也要看情况。)

in the circumstances (=because of the circumstances)

We don't normally allow people in after 8 pm, but in the circumstances we'll make an exception. (正常情况下, 8 点后就不放人进来了,但是有特殊情况的话,我们也会有例外。)

in some/certain/normal etc circumstances

An applicant's age may be taken into consideration in some circumstances. (在一些情况下也会考虑申请者的年龄。)

under some/the/certain etc circumstances

Under normal circumstances I would never have left the children with a stranger. (正常情况下,我不会让孩子跟陌生人呆在一起。)


2. things : the general situation that exists, especially the way it affects people's lives

备注: ''things'' 常用于口语中。


Don't worry! Things can't get any worse. (别担心,情况不会更糟糕的。)

Things haven't changed much since I wrote to you last. (跟我上次写信给你时相比,事情没有多大变化。)

Now that we have kids, things are really different. (既然我们有孩子了,情况就大不相同了。)


3. case : a particular situation - use this especially when you are comparing one situation with others to show how they are similar or different


In cases like this, the company has to be sold off to someone who can cope with the debt. (这种情况下,公司得卖给可以负担得起公司债务的人。)

in cases of

The law limits work in underground mines to eight hours per day, except in cases of emergency. (除非紧急情况,否则法律规定地下矿井作业每天不能超过八小时。)

in this/that case

"It's supposed to rain tomorrow." "Well, in that case, we won't go." - 明天应该会下雨。 - 如果那样的话,我们就不走了。)


4. what's going on : use this especially to ask or say what is happening in a situation


Nobody could tell her what was going on. (没人可以告诉她发生了什么事。)

I've been waiting here for nearly two hours! Does anyone know what's going on? (我已经在这儿等了差不多两个小时,谁知道这是什么情况?)

What's going on? Why won't you talk to me? (出什么事了?你怎么不告诉我?)


5. conditions : all the things that affect the way people live or work, such as a country's economic situation, whether people have enough food, the places they live in etc


Conditions in the city are getting rapidly worse. (城里的情况越来越糟了。)

How can people live in such dreadful conditions? (大家怎么能住在这么差的环境里?)

Employees are demanding better working conditions and higher wages. (工人要求得到更好的工作环境以及更高的工资。)

a study into the social conditions of the nineteenth century (对于 19 世纪社会环境的调查研究)


6. set-up : the way something such as a family, company, or country is arranged, especially a way that you do not understand or do not approve of


They're divorced, but they're still living in the same house—it seems like a strange set-up to me. (他们已经离婚了,但是还住在一起,我觉得这个好奇怪。)

It's an impressive set-up. The foundation brings in half a million dollars a day. (基金会每天进账 50 万,这情况相当好。)

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