
2014-11-12 12:37阿卡索英语


1. not tell : to not tell someone about something


I told you not to tell anyone! (我跟你说过了要保密!)

''Who's that letter from?'' ''I'm not telling you.'' - 信是谁写来的? - 我不告诉你。)

not tell somebody what/how/why etc

Henry wouldn't tell me what the surprise was. (亨利要给我一个惊喜,现在先保密。)

not tell about

You'd better not tell Elizabeth about this. (这件事你最好别告诉伊丽莎白。)

not tell (that)

Carl felt I'd been deceiving him all these years by not telling him I was gay. (卡尔觉得我这么多年来一直都在欺骗他,因为我没告诉他我是个同性恋。)


2. keep something secret : to not tell other people something, because you want it to remain secret


They wanted to keep their relationship secret for as long as possible. (他们想尽量不要将恋情公诸于众。)

The graves were covered up in a deliberate attempt to keep the killings secret. (他们特地把坟墓掩盖得很好,就是为了隐瞒杀人的罪行。)

So you've been keeping it secret all this time? (所以你一直没有说出去?)

keep something secret from...

Mary kept her illness secret, even from family members. (玛丽没把病情告诉任何人,甚至对家人也保密。)

somebody can keep a secret (=someone who can keep a secret will not tell your secrets to other people, so you can trust them with secret information)

Can you keep a secret? (你会守口如瓶吗?)

''Can I trust you?'' ''I'm honest, and I can keep a secret.'' - 我可以相信你吗? - 我很老实,我会守口如瓶。)


3. keep quiet : to deliberately not talk about something in public, especially something you are ashamed or embarrassed about


Tom had threatened to expose the illegal arrangements unless he was paid $50,000 to keep quiet. (汤姆曾扬言说要把他们干的好事都捅出去,除非给他 $50,000 的封口费。)

Some people disagree with what the government is doing, but they keep quiet for fear of reprisals. (有些人不同意政府的做法,但怕遭到打击报复所以选择沉默。)

keep quiet about

We used to keep quiet about some of the things that went on in the prison. (我们对监狱里发生的一些事常保持缄默。)

keep quiet over

I think they should have kept quiet over that. (我认为在那件事上他们本该保持沉默。)

keep something quiet (=keep something secret)

The minister denied that the case had been kept quiet or hidden. (部长否认这个案子有任何内幕。)

keep somebody quiet (=do something to stop someone telling a secret)

She'd been brutally murdered to keep her quiet. (她被残忍地杀害灭了口。)


4. keep something from somebody : to deliberately not tell someone about something, especially because you think they would be upset if they knew the truth


Edward never told anyone about his illness. He even tried to keep it from his wife. (爱德华没把得病的事告诉任何人,甚至对老婆也保密。)

The president has a reputation for keeping key decisions from even his closest aides. (这个总统是出了名的口风紧,重要的决定甚至连最亲近的助手也不告诉。)

She tried in every way to keep the truth from her parents. (她想尽办法不让她的爸妈知道真相。)

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