
2014-11-18 12:58阿卡索英语

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1. heartbroken : extremely sad and sorry because something very bad has happened, especially to someone or something that you love or care about very much


When her parents separated, she was heartbroken. (爸妈离婚的时候,她真是心都碎了。)

She was heartbroken when her dog died. (她养的狗死了,她伤心极了。)

Heartbroken fans camped outside his house in Beverly Hills. (他那些心碎的粉丝在他比弗利山庄的豪宅外面搭帐篷宿营,不肯离去。)

heartbroken at/about

Mr and Mrs Dudley were heartbroken at having to leave the home where they had lived for thirty years. (不得不离开住了三十年的家,达德利夫妇非常伤心。)


2. distressed/distraught : very upset because of something bad that has happened, so that you cannot think clearly


Hannah was deeply distressed by the news. (听到这个消息,汉娜非常伤心。)

She was very distressed when he left her. (他离开她的时候,她伤心欲绝。)

She was distressed to see he was crying. (看到他在哭,她非常伤心。)

The boy's hospital bed was surrounded by distraught relatives. (很多亲戚伤心欲绝,围在这个小男孩的病榻旁。)

Relatives are tonight comforting the distraught parents. (今晚,孩子的父母伤心欲绝,亲戚们都在安慰他们。)


3. devastated : extremely sad and shocked because something very bad has happened, and you feel that this has ruined your life or your plans


The whole town was devastated by the tragedy, in which fourteen schoolchildren died. (十四名学生遇难,听到这个噩耗,这个镇的人都震惊了。)

devastated to hear/find etc. something

When we got back, we were devastated to find that the house had been burgled, and everything of value taken. (我们回家,看到房子遭了贼、值钱东西都被偷了,都惊呆了。)


4. unhappy : not happy, because you are in a situation, job, or relationship that you do not enjoy at all, and it seems likely to continue


Neil was very unhappy at school. (尼尔在学校非常不开心。)

Her parents' divorce left her feeling confused and unhappy. (她父母的离异使她困惑不开心。)

desperately/deeply unhappy (=very unhappy)

She was desperately unhappy after Sean left her. (肖恩离开后,他非常不开心。)

unhappy about

I felt so unhappy about what he had said that I just sat down and cried. (听他说了那些话,我很不开心,就坐那儿哭开了。)


5. upset : unhappy because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened, so that you feel shocked or you want to cry


Don't be upset. I'm sure she didn't mean to be unkind. (别难过了,我敢肯定她不是故意那么凶的。)

The children were very upset when we told them that we wouldn't be going to Disneyland. (我们跟孩子们说去不了迪士尼了,他们非常难过。)

get upset

We'd better not tell Mum about what's happened. She'll only get upset. (我们最好不要告诉妈妈发生了什么事,那只会让她难过。)

upset about

Liz is very upset about her uncle's death. (叔叔的死讯让利兹很难过。)

upset that

"What's the matter with Rod?" "I think he's still upset that we forgot his birthday." - 罗德怎么了?   - 他应该还在气我们忘了他生日。)

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