
2015-01-07 18:46阿卡索英语

1. take somebody into your confidence: to tell someone your secrets or private or personal details about your life 


Elsa took me into her confidence and told me about some of the problems she was facing.(艾尔莎把自己的隐私、最近面临的一些问题都跟我说了。)


2. spill your guts: to tell your secrets or private feelings to another person

备注:''spill your guts''常用于非正式的场合。


What makes some people want to spill their guts on national television?(为什么有的人总喜欢在全国性的电视节目上说自己的隐私?)


3. tell: to tell someone something that should be kept secret


What did she say? Tell me!(她刚才说了些什么?快说!)

If someone asked me to keep a secret I would never tell.(如果别人跟我说的话不能让第三个人知道,我绝不会再透露出去。)

tell somebody where/what/who etc

He didn't tell me where he got this information.(他没说是从哪儿知道的这个消息。)

tell somebody about something

Don't tell anyone about this just yet.(现在别告诉任何人。)

tell somebody a secret

Come here Eva - let me tell you a secret.(伊娃过来,我跟你说个秘密。)

tell somebody something in the strictest confidence (=tell someone something on the condition that they do not tell anyone)

I'm telling you this in the strictest confidence, so not a word to anyone.(我把这件事告诉你,你要保证不告诉别人。)


4. make something public: to make a piece of important information known to the public, especially after keeping it secret for some time


The Senator will make his decision public on Friday.(这个议员将在周五公布自己的决定。)

Reporters learned the news on Friday but agreed not to make it public until the following day.(记者们周五就得知这个消息了,但是一致同意第二天再发表。)

Apparently they were engaged for some time before making it public.(显然,他们订婚后,过了一段时间才告诉大家。)

make it public that...

Freddie Mercury died only two days after making it public that he was suffering from AIDS.(弗雷迪·默丘里公布自己身患艾滋病的消息才两天就死了。)


5. leak: to deliberately give secret government information to a newspaper or television company 将政府机密等透露给报社等出版机构


A man was charged today with leaking official secrets.(那个人将政府机密透露给报社,今天判刑。)

The Congressman was furious that the report had been leaked.(这个国会议员知道报告内容已经透露出去了,很是气愤。)

leak something to somebody

The contents of the fax were leaked to the press.(传真信件的内容已经向出版社透露了。)


6. spill the beans: to tell someone about something that has been planned and was supposed to be a secret

备注:"spill the beans"常用于非正式的场合中。


"Does Phillip know about our plan?" "Yes, someone must have spilled the beans."-菲利普知道我们的计划了?  -知道了,肯定有人偷偷告诉他了。)

The class managed to keep the party a secret until Lorraine, unable to control herself any longer, spilled the beans.(班上同学本来要来个惊喜派对,保密工作做得很好的,但是洛林最后把持不住,把这件事说了出去。)

I tried to get him to tell me what he knew, but he refused to spill the beans.(我千方百计想让他把自己知道的事情告诉我,可他就是不说。)




