
2015-05-05 14:50阿卡索英语

<;p>;  想要去别人家做客或者要去参加朋友的生日聚会,空手而去好像不太好。最好花点心思在送礼物上面,会让主人很开心的。想要送礼物给对方,如何用英语口语表达呢?下面阿卡索<;span style="font-weight: bold;">;<;a href="http://www.acadsoc.com.cn">;英语口语外教<;/a>;<;/span>;就跟大家一起学学洋气的“送礼物”的英语表达吧!<;br>;<;br>;  送礼物的时候可以这么说:<;br>;<;br>;  这是送给你的。<;br>;<;br>;  This is for you. (这是送给你的。)<;br>;<;br>;  Here's something for you.<;br>;<;br>;  I got this for you.<;br>;<;br>;  这是你的那份。<;br>;<;br>;  This is your share.<;br>;<;br>;  *share“(一个一个分开的)分成的份儿,分开”。<;br>;<;br>;  This is your portion.<;br>;<;br>;  This is your part.<;br>;<;br>;  This portion is for you.<;br>;<;br>;  This is a small present for your son.这是送给你儿子的小礼物。<;br>;<;br>;  Here’s a small souvenir from Beijing.这是再北京买的小纪念品。<;br>;<;br>;  I have a surprise for you. 我要给你一个惊喜。<;br>;<;br>;  This is for you. I hope you’ll like it.这是给你的,希望你会喜欢。<;br>;<;br>;  收到礼物的时候可以回答:<;br>;<;br>;  That's very nice of you. (太谢谢你啦。)<;br>;<;br>;  送礼物的常用对话<;br>;<;br>;  A:Hey, children! Daddy has a surprise for you.<;br>;<;br>;  B1: What is it, Dad?<;br>;<;br>;  A:Open this card and read.<;br>;<;br>;  B2:OK. I’ll open it.<;br>;<;br>;  A:Why don’t you give it to Mom? She always likes to open gifts.<;br>;<;br>;  B1:Here it is, Mom. Open it quickly.<;br>;<;br>;  C:A trip to China for summer vacation from Dad.<;br>;<;br>;  B1:Wow! What a wonderful surprise!<;br>;<;br>;  B2:Thank you, Dad. This is the best surprise I’ve ever had.<;br>;<;br>;  通过以上内容,想要送礼物给对方的你,是否了解如何用英语表达了呢?中华民族是一个讲究“礼尚往来”的民族。但是一个恰当的礼物,也要有正确的送礼方式。如果送礼方法不对,可以会给你惹来麻烦哦。在想要送礼物给对方前,最好先了解不同文化的送礼礼节哦。<;br>;<;/p>;
