以不变应万变 托福写作万能关键词系列之被认可

2018-06-09 16:18阿卡索英语



acknowledgement (被认可)


A willing ox(任劳任怨的人)、selfless contribution、the stat of、being recognized、a sense of belonging、provide satisfaction、motivation for further improvement等等都可用到关于“被认可”的写作中。


By acknowledgement, I mean the state of being recognized. When we are recognized by our company (school/college/group/community or society), we can experience a sense of belonging. The feeling of being recognized provides satisfaction and motivation for further improvement. Hence, when a person can be identified by others, the subsequent outcome can be beyond imagination. Bill Gates, through luck, diligence, and team spirit leads Microsoft to splendor. And he distributes his wealth generously, which won him a name: the greatest philanthropist around the world. His success is acknowledged by our society. And his satisfaction index can be higher than that of any other peers.


2010年 8月14日北美的一道考试题目,社会类。

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People care more about public

recognition than about money. Even if no more money is given, public recognition can still

make people work harder.

此外,这道题目分别在 2012 年5月20 日大陆托福考试和2012 年6月8日的北美托福考试中出现。由此可见,这道题出现的频率是很高的,也不排除会在以后的托福考试中继续出现。所以,我们如果能够提前积累这些写作的关键字词句和优秀的段落,一定会给托福写作增色不少。

