
2014-10-08 11:32阿卡索英语


1. feel guilty: to feel worried and unhappy because you have done something wrong or because you have upset someone


I felt really guilty after spending all that money.(把钱都花光了,我很内疚。)

Are you feeling guilty because you didn't help her?(你是不是没帮她,心里过意不去?)

Ed felt guilty about leaving work so early.(这么早下班,艾德心里过意不去。)


2. be/feel ashamed: to feel very guilty and disappointed with oneself because you have done something wrong or behaved in an unpleasant or embarrassing way


She felt thoroughly ashamed when she remembered how drunk she'd been.(她想起自己那会儿喝得那么醉,太丢脸了。)

I feel ashamed of what I did.(我为我的所作所为感到羞耻。)

I'm ashamed to admit it, but I wasn't really sorry when he died.(我觉得他该死,虽然我不该这么想。)


3. feel bad: to feel very sorry because you have upset someone or done something that you should not have done

备注:''feel bad''常用于口语中。


We had a long talk about it afterwards and I know she felt bad.(我们稍后详谈了一次,我知道她很后悔了。)

I should have told Helen I was sorry. I feel really bad that I didn't.(我应该要跟海伦道歉的,我很遗憾没跟她道歉。)

I feel bad about what I said. Things haven't been easy for either of us.(我对我所说过的话感到很后悔,事情对大家来说都很不容易。)

I feel bad about not going to Debbie's party, but I've just got too much to do.(我很抱歉没能去黛比的派对,但我真太忙了。)


4. blame yourself: to feel that it was your fault that something bad happened


You mustn't blame yourself. It was an accident. There was nothing you could have done.(你别自责了,这是个意外,你也改变不了什么。)

Assistant coach blamed himself for the team's poor performance.(球队表现很差,助理教练因此很自责。)


5. feel responsible: to feel guilty about something bad that has happened even though you did not cause it, especially when you feel you could have prevented it


For a long time afterwards I felt responsible for his death.(之后很长一段时间,我都觉得他的死我有责任。)


6. have a guilty conscience: to feel guilty for a long time and keep thinking about something bad that you have done


I suppose I did have a guilty conscience for a while, but not anymore.(我觉得有段时间我确实很内疚,但也没内疚很久。)

Why is she being so nice to everyone all of a sudden? She's obviously got a guilty conscience about something.(她为什么突然对大家这么好?她一定心里有鬼。)


7. beat yourself up: to blame yourself too much for something 过于自责

备注:''beat yourself up''常用于口语中。


He's been beating himself up because of the failure of his marriage.(对于失败的婚姻,他常常过于自责。)

If you do your best and you lose, you shan’t beat yourself up about it.(如果你尽力了,输了也不必过于自责。)



Robin: We never really clicked. I felt bad though, he was pretty bummed.(我们从来没合拍过,但是他很失望,我感觉很抱歉。)

Barney: Don't beat yourself up. He'll be fine. I mean, the guy's like a billionaire. He can put his platinum card on a fishing line and reel in 10 chicks hotter than you.(别太自责了。他没事的。他是个亿万富翁,他把白金卡吊在鱼竿上,就可以钓上来10个比你性感的妞。)


8. reproach yourself: to feel that something is your fault and wish that you had done more to prevent it from happening


There's no point in reproaching yourself - there's nothing you could have done.(你用不着自责,你也改变不了什么。)

He reproached himself for not having called the police sooner.(他怪自己没能早点报警。)




