
2014-10-24 19:09阿卡索英语

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1. blind drunk :


Every Saturday night he came home blind drunk. (每周六晚上他都喝到烂醉如泥才回家。)

Don't give him anything more to drink. He's already blind drunk. (别让他再喝了,他已经大醉特醉了。)


2. roaring drunk : very drunk and very noisy


They were all roaring drunk and kept singing bawdy songs. (他们都醉醺醺的,一直唱着艳曲。)


3. smashed/plastered/trashed :

备注: ''smashed/plastered/trashed'' 是非正式的用法。


We went to a nightclub in town last night and got absolutely plastered. (我们昨晚去了市中心的夜店,喝得烂醉如泥。)

She came home completely smashed at about 2 o'clock this morning. (她喝得酩酊大醉,半夜 2 点左右到家。)

Man, you were so trashed. How much did you have to drink? (老兄,你醉成这样,到底喝了多少?)


4. bombed/loaded/wasted :

备注: ''bombed/loaded/wasted'' 常用于美式英语口语中。


Did you see Kim at Rob's party? She was totally wasted. (你在罗博的派对上见到金了吗?她喝得烂醉如泥。)

He's loaded. Somebody had better call him a cab. (他醉得厉害,谁去帮他叫辆的士吧。)

I was so bombed, I can't even remember half of what I did. (我醉到做过什么一点都记不起来。)


5. paralytic/legless

备注: ''paralytic/legless'' 常用于英式英语口语中。


Don't give Dave any more to drink - he's already legless. (别让戴夫再喝了,他已经大醉特醉了。)

They became totally paralytic and abusive. (他们喝得酩酊大醉,大耍酒疯。)

The day I got my exam results we went out and got absolutely paralytic. (放榜那天我们去喝了个大醉。)


(四) 酒后驾车:

1. drink and drive : an expression meaning to drive after you have been drinking alcohol, used especially in warnings about the dangers of doing this


He's not the kind of person who would drink and drive. (他不是那种会酒后驾车的人。)

I don't care if people who drink and drive kill themselves - what worries me is that they might kill someone else. (酒驾的人自己死于车祸不足为惜,但是我想的是他们可能撞死其他人。)


2. drink driving : the act of driving while under the influence of alcohol

备注: ''drink driving'' 常用于英式英语中;美式英语中常用 ''drunk/drunken driving''


Drink driving causes over 800 deaths a year on the roads. (酒后驾车每年导致 800 多人死亡。)

He was convicted of drunk driving and had his license suspended. (他被判酒驾,驾照吊销。)


3. be over the limit : to have drunk more alcohol than is legal and safe for driving

备注: ''be over the limit'' 常用于英式英语中。


He was caught driving over the limit and had to pay a large fine. (他酒驾被抓,被处以高额罚款。)


4. under the influence : if someone drives under the influence, they drive when they are drunk - used especially by the police and in news reports

备注: ''under the influence'' 是正式的用法。


Driving under the influence is a very serious offense. (酒后驾车是重罪。)

Witnesses claimed that Jones was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident. (目击者称琼斯酒后驾车导致事故发生。)


5. DUI/DWI : the crime of driving while you are drunk

备注: ''DUI/DWI'' 常用于美式英语中。 ''DUI'' ''driving under the influence'' 的缩写, ''DWI'' ''driving while intoxicated'' 的缩写。


It was his first DUI offense. (这是他第一次酒驾。)

I've never had a DUI or any kind of drugs record. (我没有酒驾记录,也没有吸毒记录。)

There were a large number of DUI arrests on New Year's Eve. (新年前夜查到很多人酒驾。)

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