
2014-10-24 19:14阿卡索英语

  1. advertise : to tell people publicly about a product or service in order to try to persuade them to buy it, for example by showing short films on television, or by showing pictures with words in newspapers and magazines


There was a big poster advertising a well-known brand of cola. (某知名可乐品牌的巨幅海报一张。)

We are a small business so we can only afford to advertise in the local press. (我们只是家小企业,所以只能出得起钱在本地媒体上做广告。)

She has signed a deal to advertise the company's hair care products. (她签了合同,帮该公司的护发产品做宣传。)

be advertised on TV/on the radio

"How did you find out about the new software?" "It was advertised on TV." - 你怎么知道这个新软件的?   - 电视广告上看的。)

be advertised in a newspaper/magazine etc.

The concert was advertised in all the national newspapers. (全国各大报纸都刊登了这个演唱会的广告。)

be heavily advertised (=be advertised a lot)

Young smokers tend to buy the brands that are most heavily advertised. (年轻的烟民都喜欢买广告做得最多的香烟品牌。)


2. promote : to try to make people buy a new product, see a new film etc., for example by selling it at a lower price or talking about it on television


Meg Ryan is in Europe to promote her new movie. (梅格·瑞恩正在欧洲宣传自己的新片。

To promote their new shampoo, they are selling it at half price for a month. (该公司新推出的洗发水搞推广,半价销售一个月。)

promote something as something

They're trying to promote Dubai as a tourist destination. (努力把迪拜推广包装成旅游胜地。)

补充: ''promote'' 的名词形式 ''promotion'' ,也能表示“广告宣传”。


Robbie Williams arrived in New York to do a week of promotion for his new record. (罗比·威廉斯到纽约进行为期一周的新唱片宣传。)


3. publicize : to tell the public about a situation, event, organization, problem by advertising, writing, or speaking about it on television, in newspapers etc.


Hollywood gossips were saying that the studio lacked the funds to publicize its new film properly. (据八卦消息称,这个电影公司没钱好好宣传新片。)

A good estate agent will know the best ways to publicize the fact that your home is for sale. (地产中介知道怎么帮代售的房子做宣传最好。)

He had done a lot of interviews to publicize his new book. (他接受了很多采访,来宣传他的新书。)


4. market: v. to try to sell a product or service by deciding which type of people are likely to buy it and by making it attractive and interesting to them; to try to persuade people to buy a product by advertising it in a particular way, using attractive packages etc.


If you could ever figure out how to market this you'd make a fortune. (找到推广的方法,就能赚大钱。)

The company has spent millions marketing the latest version of its software. (该公司已经花了几百万来宣传推广其最新版软件。)

market something for somebody

They plan to market the toy for children aged 2 to 6. (他们计划将这个玩具的消费群体定位在 2~6 岁儿童。)

These products are being aggressively marketed to teenagers through television ads. (这些产品通过电视广告,积极地向青少年做宣传。)

market something as something

Electric cars are being marketed as safe for the environment. (按广告的说法,电动车对环境无危害。)

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