“说”字知多少(Part 4)——口语

2014-08-30 14:48阿卡索英语

紧接 上一部分 ,这一部分我们继续来学习一些和 say 相关的口语表达。

1. ...that is to say/ which is to sayused before giving more details or being more exact about something即,就是


The shampoo and conditioner Laura uses are special, which is to say expensive.Laura用的洗发露和护发素是‘特别的’——说白了也就是贵。)

They, that is to say Matt and John, were arguing about what to do.(他们,也就是马特和约翰,在争论应该怎么办。)

2. 1相反的...that is not to sayused to make sure the person you are talking to does not think something that is not true 这并不是说,这并不意味(对说话人强调某事,免得他误会)


I'm quite happy in my job but that’s not to say I’m going to do it for the rest of my life.(我现在干这份工作很开心,但这并不是说我会一直干一辈子。)

3. ...having said that: used to say that something is true in spite of what you have just said 即便如此,话说回来(强调having said that之后的话的正确性)


Of course he deserves imprisonment. Having said that, I don't think any good will come of locking him up forever. (他是该坐牢!但话说回来,就算他坐一辈子牢,对别人也没什么好处啊。)

The diet can make you slim without exercise. Having said that, exercise is important too.(这个食谱确实让人不运动都能瘦,但即便如此,运动还是很重要的啊。)

4. I must say=I have to say: used to emphasize what you are saying 我得说,我必须说(表示强调自己说的话)


The cake does look good, I must say. (这个蛋糕真的很好看!)

I have to say I was impressed. (我刚刚真的大开眼界啊!)

5. I can't say (that): used to say that you do not think or feel something我不是,我没有(表示否定)


I can't say I envy her being married to him! (他们结婚,我没妒忌!)

''Do you know what I mean?'' ''No, Willie, I can't say that I do.'' (“你明白我的意思了吗?”“不,Willie,我不明白。”)

6. I would say: used for giving your opinion even though other people may not agree说出自己的看法(即使别人可能不赞同)


I'd say he was jealous.(我觉得他妒忌了。)

7. I couldn't say: used when you do not know the answer to something 不知道


I couldn't say who will win. 我不知道谁会赢。

8. have/get a say in something: have the right to take part in deciding something话语权


Citizens should have a say in how their tax money is spent.(市民对于他们缴的税花在什么地方应该有话语权。)



Ross: That's right, you're gonna spend tomorrow at Aunt Rachel's, aren't you?

Monica: Oh, hang on, hang on. Does Aunt Monica get a say in this? (打住打住!Monica阿姨对此有话语权吗?)

9. say no more: used to say that you understand what someone means, although they have not said it directly表示“说话人明白别人的意思”


''I saw him leaving her house at 6:30 this morning.'' ''Say no more!'' (“今天早上我看到他6:30离开那女的家。”“我懂的!”)




