《老爸老妈浪漫史》S01E09学习笔记 (1)

2014-09-13 16:14阿卡索英语

1.   Future Ted : Thanksgiving in New York is a wonderful time. It's a time for giving of yourself , for thinking of your fellow man , a time when the unforgiving city becomes a little kinder.



(1) give of yourself: to use your time and effort to help others

备注:这是很正式的说法,这个词作也可写作 ''give of your time''


They freely gave of themselves/their time when their help was needed. (只要有人需要他们帮助,他们就会毫无保留地奉献自己。)

(2) fellow man: 别人


He has always tried to be of service to his fellow man. (他一直尽量帮助别人。)

We have to learn to love our fellow man. (我们得学会爱别人。)

Ted: Look at all these people, giving up their Thanksgiving to help their fellow man. These got to be the best people in New York. (本集后面, Ted Robin 一起去“流浪者之家”做义工, Ted 感叹说:看看这些放弃自己的感恩节来帮助他人的人们啊,他们肯定是纽约城最善良的人了!)


2. Lily: Well, I just ralphed .


ralph: (俚语)呕吐。


3. Lily 为什么吐了呢?原来是喝了 Barney 的自创酒 (看看是什么“黑暗料理”)。

Barney: The Thanks-tini. A fun and delicious new novelty drink I invented. Cranberry juice, potato vodka and a bouillon cube . Tastes just like a turkey dinner. (这酒的名字叫“感恩提尼”,是我发明的一种好玩又好喝的创新酒。配料有:蔓越莓汁、土豆伏特加再加一块浓汤宝。味道就像火鸡大餐。)


(1) Thanks-tini:

大家都知道有一种酒叫 ''martini'' ,老外喜欢把词改造一半变成新词,产生即兴、幽默的效果。

如这集后面, Marshall 的家人把 ''basketball'' ''ice'' 两个词叠加在一起,变成 ''bask-ice-ball'' Lily 说应该叫 ''ice-ketball'' 更合适。

(2) bouillon cube: a small square made of dried meat or vegetables, used to give a stronger taste to soups

''bouillon'' 的意思是“肉菜煮的清汤”, ''bouillon cube'' 则有点儿像我们中国的浓汤宝,用来给汤提味的,这是美式英语的说法,英式英语一般写作 ''stock cube''

(3) taste: v. to have a particular taste 有某种独特的味道

备注:此时 taste 作系动词,后接“形容词”或“ like+ 名词”或“ of+ 名词”。


The milk tastes sour. (这牛奶酸了。)

The pie tasted too sweet. (这派太甜了。)

This sauce tasted good. (这酱料味道不错。)

The wine tasted like vinegar. (这酒喝起来味道像醋。)

The salad tastes of garlic. (这沙拉有蒜味。)


4. Marshall: The shuttle's here !


shuttle: a vehicle that travels back and forth between places 班车,穿梭车 / 摆渡车


He took the Washington - New York shuttle. (他乘坐华盛顿至纽约的班车 / 班机。)

A shuttle takes people from the parking lot to the airport. (班车往返于停车场和机场之间。)

There's a shuttle service from the city center to the airport.   (市中心到机场有班车。)

shuttle bus/train (班车)


5. Marshall: Baby, we're holding up the shuttle.


hold up: to delay, stop or slow the movement, progress or action of (someone or something)

备注:后面可 +something ,也可 +somebody


Their decision was held up for months. (他们的决定延迟了好几个月。)

A major accident held the traffic up for hours. (一起严重事故让交通拥堵了好几个小时。)

She was late in the meeting because she got held up in the traffic. (她堵车了,所以开会迟到。)

We're holding up the people behind us! (我们耽误了后面的人!)

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