
2014-11-18 12:54阿卡索英语


1. wind up : to gradually end an event or activity such as a meeting, making sure that it finishes at the right time


About 40 minutes after the interview starts, the interviewer will signal to you to start winding up. (面试进行到 40 分钟时,面试官会示意你结束谈话。)

OK, just to wind up, could I summarize what we've decided? (好的,结束之前,我来把这次会议上做出的决议总结一下吧。)

wind up something

He was fired and the board would give him no more time to wind up his affairs. (他被解雇了,老板也不会再给他时间把手头事做完。)

wind something up

Mark wanted to wind the meeting up quickly because he had a plane to catch. (马克想让会议尽快结束,因为他还要去赶飞机。)

It's time to wind things up - I have something else to do. (该结束了,我还有其他事。)


2. conclude : to formally or officially end a meeting, public event, speech etc. by doing one final thing


When the investigation is concluded, the results will be sent to the US Attorney's office. (调查结束后,调查结果会送到美国联邦检察官办公室。)

conclude something with something

Ralph Ellis, Managing Director, concluded the conference with a review of the trading year. (会议的最后,总经理拉尔夫·艾力斯对整个财年工作做了回顾总结。)

conclude with

He concluded with an appeal to everyone to support the campaign. (最后,他号召大家来支持这项运动。)

Each chapter concludes with a short summary. (每章的最后都有简短的小结。)

conclude by doing something

She concluded by saying she was proud to be from China. (最后,她说为自己是中国人而感到自豪。)

I'd like to conclude by thanking everyone who has worked so hard to make this conference possible. (最后,我想感谢大家辛勤付出,这次会议才得以召开。)


3. round off : to do something as a way of ending an event, performance etc. in a suitable or satisfactory way


round off something

To round off National Peace Week, a concert was organized in the park. (国家和平周的最后一天,公园里举办了一场音乐会。)

round off something with something

She rounded off the meal with some cheese. (她最后还吃了点芝士,才算把一餐饭吃完。)

It was the perfect way to round off the season. (这样结束这个赛季才是最完美的。)

She served us a splendid dinner, rounded off with a marvelous orange mousse. (她为我们准备了一顿美食,最后上了个特好吃的橙子慕斯。)

They rounded off the day with a barbecue at the beach. (他们那天最后一个活动是在沙滩上烧烤。)

You can round off the evening with a visit to the nightclub. (今晚事情都做完你还可以去夜店玩玩。)


4. bring something to an end/to a close : to formally finish a meeting, lesson, process etc.


The committee has brought to a close one of the longest-running Senate investigations ever. (委员会结束了有史以来历时最长的议院调查案。)

The trial was swiftly brought to an end. (审判很快就结束了。)

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