
2015-02-04 11:24阿卡索英语

喜欢一样东西,喜欢一个人,除了用 ''like'' ,英文里还能怎么表达?本期我们就来学习一下。


1. be into: to like doing a particular activity or be interested in a particular subject

备注:''be into''通常用于口语中。


I'm really into folk music.(我非常喜欢民歌。)

He was never into sports.(他对体育从来不感兴趣。)

She is really too into her looks.(她太注重外表了。)

I know she's really into sports, so I thought I'd ask her to come skiing with us.(我知道她非常喜欢运动,所以我邀请她和我们一起去滑雪。)

I usually enjoy her books, but I just couldn't get into this one.(她的书我基本都喜欢,但这本我怎么都喜欢不起来。)


2. be fond of: to like something, especially something that you have liked for a long time

备注:''be fond of''常用于英式英语中。


Connie had always been fond of animals.(科尼一直很喜欢动物。)

He had always been fond of drinking at lunchtime, perhaps too fond.(他一直很喜欢午饭时间喝酒,或许也太喜欢了点。)

I'm not overly fond of cooking.(我没有很喜欢烹饪。)

My grandfather was very fond of handing out advice to all my friends.(我爷爷很喜欢给我的朋友们提建议。)


3. be keen on: to like or be very interested in an activity or idea

备注:''be keen on''常用于英式英语中。


I'm not keen on cabbage.(我不喜欢卷心菜。)

I know he's keen on opera. Let's take him to see "La Traviata".(我知道他喜欢歌剧,我们带他去看《茶花女》吧。)

I'm quite keen on the idea of having a fancy dress party.(我很喜欢办化装舞会这个想法。)

She likes Biology, but she's not too keen on Physics.(她喜欢生物,但不怎么喜欢物理。)


4. appeal to: if something appeals to you, you like it because it involves things that interest you or ideas that you agree with


I'm sure this book will appeal to children of all ages.(我肯定任何年龄段的孩子都会喜欢这本书。)

Does either suggestion appeal to you?(你喜欢这其中任何一个建议吗?)

The idea of working abroad really appeals to me.(去国外工作对我很有吸引力。)


5. go down well: if something you do, or a book, film, performance etc. goes down well with a group of people, they like it

备注:美式英语中常作''go over well''


I'm not that hungry, so a salad would go down well.(我不怎么饿,点份沙拉吧。)

Her style of comedy is very British, but it goes down well in the States too.(她的喜剧风格十分英式,但在美国也大受欢迎。)

He tried to make a joke, but it didn't go over well.(他试着讲了个笑话,但是没人买账。)

go down well with

His proposal didn't go over very well with the boss.(老板不喜欢他的建议。)


6. be to your liking: if something is to your liking it has the qualities that you like, or it is made in the way that you like

备注:''be to your liking''是较正式的说法。


Was the meal to your liking, Madam?(女士,这顿饭还合您胃口吗?)

The surrounding countryside was very much to our liking.(我们非常喜欢周边的乡村景致。)


7. go for (someone or something): to like someone or something


When I see how she looks at him, I can tell she really goes for him.(瞧她看他的样子,我知道她真的很喜欢他。)

I don't really go for modern art.(我不怎么喜欢现代艺术。)

I could go for a cup of coffee right now.(现在我想喝杯咖啡。)

学习了“喜欢”的多种表达方式,那么你能举一反三,说出“不喜欢”的各种表达方式吗?点此继续学习下一讲—— 《“不喜欢”在英语中的表达方式》




