
2014-08-30 15:40阿卡索英语

1. be good value: to be worth the price that you pay, especially a price that is not high划算


The meals at Pizza Hut are really good value. (吃必胜客很划算。)

The lunch special is really good value. (特价午餐相当划算。)

be a good value(美式英语)

The CD-ROM encyclopedia is a good value because the printed encyclopedia set sells for twice as much. (百科全书CD版很划算,因为纸质版的定价贵一倍。)

反义词:be poor value/be a poor value不划算


2. be value for money: if something that is being sold is value for money , it is worth the price that you pay - use this about something that is fairly cheap but is of a reasonable standard or quality(英式英语)物美价廉


be (good) value for money

Sainsbury's cookbooks are generally considered to be value for money. (大家都说森宝利的食谱物美价廉。)(备注:Sainsbury's是英国的连锁超市,译作“森宝利”。)

There's a special ticket that means you can see six concerts, which is definitely good value for money. (有一种可以看6场演唱会的特别票,真的是物美价廉啊。)

At only £45 a night, the hotel is great value for money. (一天45英镑,这个酒店真是物美价廉。)

get value for money (=get something that is worth the price you paid)

The show was less than one hour long and we didn't really get value for money. (演出还不到一小时,我们真是觉得不值啊。)


3. be a good buy: something that is a good buy is worth the price you pay for it, because it is not expensive but is still good划算、物美价廉


The Brazilian white wine is a good buy at only $2.99 a bottle. (巴西白酒很划算,才$2.99一瓶。)

They insist that higher education is a good buy despite rising tuition costs. (他们说,尽管学费不断上涨,但接受高等教育还是值得的。)

反义词:be a bad buy不划算


4. a good deal: if something is a good deal , it is worth the price you pay, because it includes a lot of additional things or services表示买东西送很多附赠品或额外服务,所以显得很划算


be a good/excellent/great deal

The price of the holiday includes free use of the tennis courts, the pool, and the gym. It's a very good deal. (在那儿度假,可以免费使用网球场、游泳池、健身馆,很超值。)

give somebody a good deal

They gave me a really good deal on my camera. (我买相机,店家送了我很多附赠配件,很值。)

get a good deal

He said he was willing to buy the company if he got a good deal. (他说,如果价格合适,他愿意买下这家公司。)


5. bargain: something that costs a lot less than you expect or a lot less than it usually costs便宜货,比你预想的要便宜得多的东西


Did you get any bargains at the market? (市场上有没有便宜货?)

I got this shirt when I was in Indonesia. It was a real bargain.(这件衬衫在印尼买的,相当便宜。)

There are no bargains in the clothes shops at the moment. (这个时节服装店都不打折。)

Good watches don't come at bargain prices. (好表不便宜。)

Bargain hunters queued outside the store for hours. (想买便宜货的人在店门口排了好几个小时的队了。)(备注:bargain hunters= people looking for things to buy at low prices
