你瞎说吧 英语怎么说

2014-09-04 12:14阿卡索英语




1. be joking/be kidding:


just/only kidding

"You're just kidding, right? Mom?" Joe asked anxiously.(乔焦急地问:“妈,你是骗我的吧?”)

Are you kidding me?/you're kidding me! (=say this when you think someone is joking)

They got married? You're kidding me!(他们结婚了?开什么玩笑!)

"When he sat down, the chair just collapsed." "Are you kidding me?"-他一坐下,椅子就散架了。  -你骗誰!)

You're kidding me. You mean it only rains once a year there?(你说那里一年只下一次雨,开玩笑。)

"They wanted $425 just for the room." "Are you kidding me?"-一个房间要$425-真的假的?)

no kidding? (=say this when you think someone could be joking)

She's only sixteen? No kidding? She looks like she's twenty-five.(她才16?不可能吧?她看上去有25了。)


2. you're having me on(英式英语)you're putting me on(美式英语):


He makes £80,000 a year? You're having me on.(他一年赚8万英镑?怎么可能。)

Come on, you guys, you're putting me on, right?(得了吧你们,骗我的吧?)


3. be pulling somebody's leg: to try to make someone believe something that is not true, as a friendly joke


Is all this real? Or are you pulling my leg?(你说的全是真的?还是在骗我?)


4. come off it /come on: say this when you cannot believe what someone has said, and you think they do not really believe it themselves


"He kind of reminds me of myself at that age." "Oh, come off it. When you were that age all you wanted to do was have fun."

-看着他,我就想起自己的那段岁月。 -得了吧!你那时候每天只知道玩!哪像他?)

Oh, come on, Kate - do you really expect me to believe that?(得了吧凯特,你觉得我会相信你说的话吗?)


5. yeah, right: say this when you do not believe something that someone has said, and you think they are deliberately telling you something that is not true



"I really wanted to come, but I overslept." "Yeah, right. Then why didn't you set your alarm?"

-我真的很想来,但我睡过头了。  -是吗?既然如此,为什么不定闹钟?)


6. a likely story:


"I was going to pay the money back as soon as I saw you." "Yeah. A likely story!"

-我一见你就想要还钱给你来着。 -编吧,继续编啊。)


7. pull the other one:



Oh, pull the other one, John. You can't seriously expect me to believe that!



8. get out of here!:



"I got the car for just $350 dollars." "Get out of here!"-我买这车只花了$350 -得了吧,骗人。)


9. I wasn't born yesterday: say this when you think someone is lying to you and you want to show them that you are not stupid enough to believe it


You can't expect me to trust you after all the other promises you've broken, you know. I wasn't born yesterday.(你食言了那么多次,甭指望我还信你。我又不是三岁小孩!)



备注:以上这些,基本都是口语用法。说的时候一定要注意语气,看美剧时经常会听到''come on'',''yeah, right'', ''get out of here!''这些,注意模仿。




