
2014-09-11 15:48阿卡索英语

''party'' 这个词是否能概括外国所有的聚会形式呢? ''party'' 有哪些近义词,又有什么区别呢?我们来看一下。


1. party : a social event when a lot of people meet together to enjoy themselves by eating, drinking, dancing etc.


We're having a party for Lily's 40th birthday. (我们要为莉莉办 40 岁生日派对。)

I met my boyfriend at a party. (我是在一个派对上认识我男朋友的。)


2. get-together : an informal party 小聚


Christmas is the perfect time for a family get-together. (圣诞节是家庭小聚的大好时机。)


''get-together'' 是名词,去掉连接符后的 ''get together'' 是动词,也是“小聚”的意思。


We must get together for a drink. (我们得聚聚喝上一杯。)


3. ball : a large formal party where people dance 舞会


The University holds a ball at the end of June. (该大学 6 月底都举办舞会。)

''ball'' 类似的还有 ''prom'' prom means ''a social event for high school students in the US where there is music and dancing, and that people usually go to with a partner'' 美国高中生舞会


Joey walked me home after the prom. (舞会结束后,乔伊走路送我回家。)


4. reception : a large formal party, especially one after a wedding or to welcome an important person 婚宴或欢迎会


The wedding reception is at a nearby hotel. (婚宴在附近的一个酒店举行。)

It's an ideal location for a wedding reception. (在这里办婚宴真太完美了!)

a reception for the Thai Foreign Minister (泰国外交部长的欢迎会)

They attended a White House reception to mark the Queen's visit. (他们出席了为庆祝女王到访而举行的白宫欢迎会。)


5. function : a large formal or official party


He has been asked to host many corporate functions. (他受邀主持很多公司派对上。)

This room may be hired for weddings and other functions. (这个房间可以用来举行婚宴或其他派对。)


6. celebration : a party or special event that is organized in order to celebrate something 庆祝活动


the country's 50th anniversary celebrations (国庆 50 周年庆祝活动)

the lively New Year celebrations in the city center (在市中心现场举行的新年庆祝活动)

It was the 21st birthday celebration that Mary would never forget. (让玛丽永远无法忘怀的是 21 岁的生日派对。)


7. bash : a party, especially a big one that a lot of famous people go to - used especially in journalism 有很多名人参加的派对(杂志上常用这个词)


the star's birthday bash (这个明星的生日派对)

a picture of him at a Hollywood bash (他参加好莱坞明星派对的照片)

a showbiz bash (演艺界的派对)(备注: showbiz=show business


8. do : a party

备注:这是英式英语的口语用法,这里的 ''do'' 是名词。


We're having a do to celebrate Kate's 30th birthday. (我们要为凯特办 30 岁生日派对。)


9. rave : a large party which is held outside or in an empty building, where people dance to music and take illegal drugs 狂欢派对(年轻人彻夜狂欢、喧闹甚至吸毒)


an all-night rave (通宵达旦的狂欢派对)

rave music (狂欢派对上喧嚣的音乐)


10. shower :

常见的有 ''wedding shower'' ''baby shower'' (详见 上一讲 )。
