
2014-09-11 15:59阿卡索英语



1. you should do something/you ought to do something:


You should go to the doctor with that cough.(咳成这样,你该去看看医生了。)

I think you should stay here until you've sobered up.(我觉得,你得等酒醒了再走。)

That new restaurant's great - you really ought to try it.(新开的那家餐馆很不错,你真该去试试。)

Do you know what you ought to do? You ought to tell her exactly what you think of her.(你知道你该怎么办吗?你该把心里对她的想法原原本本都告诉她。)


2. It would be better...:


It would be better for you to leave now if you want to get there on time.(如果你想准时到,最好现在出发。)

It would be better not to wait too long.(最好不要等太久。)


3. you'd be better off: say this when you are advising someone how to do something in a better way


He'd be better off with a new job.(他最好另找份工作。)

The ferry takes about eight hours! You'd be better off going by plane.(渡船要开8小时!你最好还是坐飞机去吧。)

I think you'd be better off using a knife rather than scissors for that job.(我觉得弄这个,用刀比用剪刀好。)


4. take my advice: say this when you think that someone should do something because you know from your own experience how unpleasant or difficult something can be


Take my advice - don't go into teaching unless you're absolutely committed.(除非你下定决心全情投入,否则不要去教书,听我的没错。)

Divorces are a nightmare. Take my advice and stay single.(离婚太恐怖了,干脆别结婚,听我的没错。)


5. take it from me: say this when you are telling someone that they should trust the advice you are giving them because it is based on your personal experience

备注:跟''take my advice''用法类似。


Take it from me, you'll regret it if you waste your time at school.(如果在学校念书时没抓紧时间,你将来要后悔的,听我的没错。)

Love affairs with colleagues never work out - take it from me.(办公室恋情总是没结果的,听我的没错。)


6. make sure (that) you ...: say this when you do not want someone to make a mistake, for example by forgetting to do something or losing something


Make sure that you take your passport.(记得带护照。)

Make sure you lock all the doors and windows at night.(晚上记得锁门关窗。)


7. the best thing is to ...: say this when you are telling someone what you think the best way of dealing with a particular situation is, based on your own experience


The best thing is to just ignore her. She'll soon take the hint.(最好的方法就是别理她,一会儿她自己就懂了。)


8. a word of advice ...: say this especially when you are warning someone to be careful about something


A word of advice: when you're at the interview don't mention that you used to work in a bar.(注意了,面试时千万别提你在酒吧干过。)


9. on no account/not on any account: use this when you are strongly advising someone not to do something because it would be dangerous or stupid



On no account should you attempt this exercise if you're pregnant.(切记,怀孕的时候千万别做这个运动。)

You shouldn't sign the contract unless you are sure you understand it. Not on any account.(得明白合同说什么才能签。切记切记!)
