
2014-09-26 11:42阿卡索英语



1. not very good: not good - use this when you are disappointed because you were expecting something better

备注:"not very good"一般用在口语中。


"What was the movie like?" "It was OK but the ending wasn't very good."-电影如何? -还不错,但是结局不太好。)

He's been learning English for five years, but his pronunciation isn't very good.(他已学了5年英语,发音还是不太好。)


2. mediocre: adj. something that is mediocre is of a lower standard than it should be, and does not show much quality or skill

备注:"mediocre"原意是"halfway up a mountain",这个词由两部分组成,"medi-"是“一半”的意思,"-ocre"原意是"stony mountain"


The team gave another mediocre performance last night.(这个队昨晚又表现一般。)

Tourists crowd the gift shops to buy mediocre products at high prices.(游客们挤在礼品店,花大钱买质量一般的东西。)


3. nothing special: not very bad, but not especially good

备注:"nothing special"一般用在口语中。


"Was the food good?" "It was okay, but nothing special."-吃得怎么样?  -还行,但也没什么特别的。)

The town's nice, but the beach is nothing special.(小镇不错,但是这海滩也就一般。)


4. all right/OK, but ...: say this when you think that something is good in some ways but there are some bad parts of it too 还行

备注:"all right/OK, but ..."一般用在口语中。


My grades were OK, but I thought I should have got an 'A' in Chemistry.(我成绩还行,但我原以为我化学可以考A。)

The game was all right, but it wasn't worth the amount I paid.(比赛还行,但是不值这票价。)


5. so-so: not very good, but not very bad either



"How is your meal?'' "So-so.''-吃得怎么样?  -凑合。)

The hotel was in a lovely location, but the facilities were only so-so.(酒店位置不错,但酒店设施一般。)


6. second-rate/third-rate: not as good as other things of the same kind


People are not willing to pay a lot of money for second-rate works of art.(没人愿意花大价钱买二流的艺术品。)

All they could afford was a room in a second-rate hotel about a mile from the beach.(他们只住得起离海边1英里的二流酒店。)

a cheap third-rate motel(便宜的三流汽车旅馆)


7. be not up to scratch: something that is not up to scratch , is not as good as it should be

备注:"be not up to scratch"一般用在英式英语口语中;美式英语口语一般作"be not up to snuff"


The hotels and transport system in this city are not up to scratch at the moment.(现在,这个城市的酒店和交通都不算很好。)

The performances by the actors were not up to snuff.(这些演员的表演一般。)


8. patchy: a patchy performance or piece of work is good in some parts, but bad in others and in general is not good


The film is patchy, despite one or two good performances.(虽然有一两个地方不错,但这部电影还是很一般。)

Many department stores reported patchy sales over Christmas.(很多百货圣诞节的营业额一般。)




