
2014-10-28 12:37阿卡索英语



1. help : to make it easier for someone to do something or to make a difficult situation easier


Crying won't help. (哭是没用的,解决不了问题。)

I took a couple of aspirin for my headache, but they didn't help. (我头疼,吃了两片阿司匹林,没用。)

It helps my concentration if I listen to music while I'm working. (工作时听听音乐有利于我集中注意力。)

Eight hours of deep sleep helped enormously. (好好睡了 8 个小时,感觉好多了。)

The warm weather this spring has certainly helped the farmers. (今年春天天气暖和,对农事大有帮助。)

help somebody do something

All this arguing isn't going to help us win the election. (在这吵吵闹闹的对赢得大选没帮助。)

help somebody to do something

The latest report should help us to evaluate the true benefits of the program. (最新的报道有利于我们评估这个计划的真正价值。)


2. be a help : if something is a help, it makes it easier for you to do something, especially something that would be difficult to do without it

备注:这里的 ''help'' 是名词。


That map isn't much help. (那幅地图不是特别有用。)

For the teachers, just having more books and equipment would be a help. (对教师来说,多备点教材和设备很有用。)

be a big/great/real etc. help (to somebody)

Any information would be a great help. (任何一条信息都很有用。)

Thanks for looking after the children—you've been a real help to me, Carrie. (嘉丽,谢谢你帮我带孩子,你帮了我大忙。)

Stating your objectives clearly will be a great help in organizing the research. (将目标陈述清楚有利于组织调研。)

Jim was a big help getting the house ready for the party. (找地方开派对,吉姆出了大力。)

be of little/no/some etc. help (to somebody)

Let me know if I can be of any help to you. (如果我能帮上忙,请直说。)


3. helpful : making it likely to be easier for you to do or achieve something


Thanks, Sam. You've been very helpful. (谢谢你,山姆,你帮了大忙。)

If you're looking for a good guidebook, I found this one to be very helpful. (你要是想要本旅行指南,我觉得这本不错,很有用。)

She gave us some helpful advice about renting apartments. (她给我们提了些有关租房子的有用的建议。)

A helpful woman at the tourist office gave me some tips on places to visit. (游客问讯处的一个女员工给我提了些有用的建议,介绍我去哪里哪里玩。)

helpful in

Giving the test can be helpful in deciding the best way to treat a patient. (做检查有利于制定最佳治疗方案。)

it is helpful to do something

It's helpful to prepare a list of questions before going to an interview. (面试前,把要问的问题列出来,很有用。)


4. be a boon : something that is a boon happens or is given to you, especially unexpectedly, and makes it much easier for you to do something


Having a bicycle was a tremendous boon as our house was so far from the village. (如果家住的很远,有自行车很方便。)

be a boon to/for

The current low exchange rates are a boon for exporters. (现在汇率低,有利于出口。)

Increased competition among airlines will prove to be a boon to tourists. (航空公司之间的竞争日益激烈,这将有利于消费者。)

The bus service is a real boon to people in the village. (对村里人来说,通公车后方便很多,有利出行。)

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