
2014-11-13 12:36阿卡索英语


1. reputation : the general opinion that people have about a person, organization etc. based on what they have heard, read, seen, or experienced


reputation as

Despite her reputation as a trouble-maker, she was promoted to department manager. (尽管她出了名的总惹麻烦,但还是被提升为部门经理。)

In her last job she gained a reputation as a hard worker. (她在之前的工作岗位上,是出了名的勤奋。)

reputation for

a brilliant director with a reputation for thoroughness (出了名的仔细的天才导演)

Judge Kelso has a reputation for being strict but fair. (凯尔索法官是出了名的严厉且公平。)

excellent/good/bad etc. reputation

I am surprised that a company with your good reputation would produce such poor quality goods. (你们公司声誉这么好,居然生产如此劣质的产品,我很惊讶。)

have a good/bad etc. reputation

The school had an excellent academic reputation. (这个学校在学术上很出名。)

The area has a really bad reputation but it isn't as bad as people think. (这个地区名声很不好,但实际上也没人们想的那么差。)

win/earn/gain a reputation as something

The town's Dolphin Center had gained a reputation as one of the best leisure complexes in the country. (镇上的“海豚中心”被誉为全国最好的健身中心之一。)

have a reputation of/for being

The mill has the reputation of being one of the most energy-efficient in the world. (这个工厂被誉为全世界最节能的工厂之一。)

live up to your reputation (=be as good, bad etc. as people say)

The restaurant certainly lived up to its reputation; the food was delicious. (这个餐厅果然不负盛名,东西很好吃。)

harm/damage somebody's reputation

If a representative gets drunk at a convention, it may harm their firm's reputation. (如果有公司的代表在会上喝醉酒,那将会影响该公司的声誉。)

She was completely loyal to you. She would never do anything to damage your reputation. (她对你很忠心,她不会做有损你名誉的事。)

She wouldn’t do anything to damage her family’s reputation. (她不会做任何使家族蒙羞的事。)


2. prestige : the respect and good reputation a person, organization, profession etc. has because they have a high position in society, are admired by people etc.


The teaching profession has lost the prestige it had in former times. (教师这个职业已经不像过去那样受人尊敬了。)

Hosting the Olympic Games would add to our country's international prestige. (主办奥运会可以提高我国的国际声誉。)

Becoming a film star confers status, power, prestige and wealth. (成为电影明星意味着随之而来的名誉、地位、权利和财富。)


3. character : someone's reputation, especially whether or not other people think they are honest or morally good

备注: ''character'' 常用于正式的场合。


A person's character is very important to me when I decide who I want to work with. (我选择共事的人时主要看对方的人品。)

be of (good/bad) etc character

Her husband was a man of good character, well-liked and respected by his colleagues. (她丈夫人品很好,深受同事们爱戴。)

character assassination (=a cruel and unfair attack on someone's character)

The campaign was accused of character assassination because of its negative ads. (这个活动做了些负面广告,被控诋毁人格。)

a slur/stain on somebody's character/reputation etc.

Baker accused the press of casting a slur on his character. (贝克控告这家报社污蔑他的人格。)

How dare she cast a slur on my character? (她竟敢诋毁我的人格!)

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