
2014-11-18 12:58阿卡索英语

1. sad : not happy, especially because a happy time has ended, or because you feel sorry about someone else's unhappiness


She felt sad as she waved goodbye. (她跟大家挥手告别的时候非常伤心。)

Don't look so sad! It won't be long until the next holidays. (别一脸难过的样子!很快又能放假啦。)

There was such a sad look in her eyes. (她眼里尽是悲伤。)

sad to see/hear/learn etc.

We were very sad to hear about Mrs White's death. (听闻怀特太太的死讯,我们都非常难过。)

sad to do something

I was glad to be going home, but sad to leave all my friends. (回家我当然高兴,但是要离开朋友们,我也很难过。)

sad about

It's natural to feel sad about it when your children finally leave home. (孩子们长大离开家的时候,做父母的肯定会伤心,这很自然。)


2. depressed : very unhappy and without any hope for a long time, and feeling that your life will never get better, sometimes so that this becomes a mental illness


My sister's been really depressed since she lost her job. (我姐姐失业后,情绪一直很低落。)

A lot of people get depressed in the winter, when the weather's bad and there's very little sunlight. (冬天天气不好光照很少的时候,很多人会抑郁。)

depressed about

She often gets depressed about her weight. (想到自己的体重,她常感到很沮丧。)


3. down/low : unhappy, especially because something bad has happened to you and you cannot see how to make the situation better

备注: ''down/low'' 常用于非正式的场合。


He's been feeling down since he failed his driving test for the fifth time. (他考了五次驾照都没通过,情绪相当低落。)

John's pretty low at the moment—his business is losing money. (约翰生意亏本了,现在情绪很低落。)

He was feeling a bit low, so I did my best to cheer him up. (他那时情绪有点低落,我就尽力哄他开心。)

Terry seems to be in rather low spirits today. (今天,泰瑞好像情绪很低落。)


4. down in the dumps : feeling unhappy and not having much interest in what is happening around you, but usually in a way that is not very serious

备注: ''down in the dumps'' 常用于非正式的场合, ''dump'' 的原意是“垃圾堆”。


Mom's kind of down in the dumps at the moment why don't you buy her something to cheer her up? (妈妈现在情绪有点低落,你何不买点东西哄她开心?)

If you're feeling down in the dumps, come over and have a chat. (如果你情绪低落,来我这儿,我们聊聊。)


5. feel blue : to feel slightly sad or unhappy, because something bad has happened to you or sometimes for no particular reason

备注: ''feel blue'' 常用于非正式的场合。


Feeling blue? Don't know who to talk to? Phone Depression Hot Line, 24 hours a day. (心情不好?不知道找谁倾诉?拨打“知心姐姐”热线, 24 小时全天候服务。)

I've been feeling kind of blue. (我心情有点沮丧。)

补充:这里的 ''blue'' 是形容词,表示“心情沮丧”, ''blue'' 做名词时,也可以表示相同的意思。


A lot of women get the blues after the baby is born. (很多产妇生完孩子都会心情抑郁。)


6. morose : someone who is morose behaves in an unhappy, bad-tempered way, and does not speak much to other people


Since the accident she's been morose and moody. (自从那场事故后,她就变得心情抑郁、喜怒无常了。)

Frank was sitting alone at the table, looking morose. (弗朗克一个人坐在桌边,看起来很郁闷。)

Some people become morose and depressed when they first retire. (有些人刚退休时会变得抑郁沮丧。)

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