《冰雪奇缘》赏析:At The Trading Post

2014-08-30 12:59阿卡索英语

Dialogue 1

Salesman: Big summer blow out. Half of swimming suits, clogs, and a sun balm of my own invent, yah?

Anna: Oh, great. For now, how about boots, winter boots, and dresses?

Salesman: That would be in our winter department.


1.blow out: 愿意是“a big expensive meal or large social occasion”,

例: We had a big blow-out at the club for our twenty-fifth anniversary.


2.Half of swimming suits:半价,“打折”也可以用discount


1Tickets are $9, with a $2 discount for kids. 儿童票价$9元,正常票$11元。

2Disney gives shareholders a discount on visits to Disneyland.

3Vendors were selling the posters at a discount.

4He gets a 15% employee discount. 他有八五折员工价。

3. sun balm:防晒霜;lip balm:唇膏。

4. in our winter department:

Department: an area in a large store where a particular type of product is sold

例:Ties are in the men’s department. 领带在男装部那儿。


Dialogue 2

Anna: I was just wondering, has another young woman, the queen perhaps, I don’t know, passed through here?

Salesman: Only one crazy enough to be out here in the storm is you, deer. (Kristoff comes in.) You and this fellow... Hoo hoo. (to Kristoff) Big summer blow out.


1. I was just wondering...:我想问……

例:I was just wondering, do you think it would be possible if I got $100 advance on my salary. 我想问能不能预支$100工资。(《FriendsS01E09

2. pass through someplace:经过某处。

3. Only one crazy enough to be out here in the storm is you. 倒装句。


Dialogue 3

Salesman: That'll be forty.

Kristoff: Forty? No, ten.

Salesman: Oh dear, that's no good. See. These are from our winter stock, where supply and demand have a big problem.

Kristoff: You want to talk about a supply and demand problem? I sell ice for a living.

Anna: Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now. (looks at Kristoff) I mean, that is really...Ahem. That's unfortunate.

Salesman: Still forty. But I will throw in a visit to Oaken's sauna. Hoo hoo! Hi, family.

Kristoff: Ten's all I got. Help me out. 我就剩10块了,帮个忙。

Salesman: Ten will get you this and no more. (shows him only carrots)

Anna: Okay, just tell me one thing...What was happening on the North Mountain? Did it seem magical?

Kristoff: Yes! Now, back up while I deal with this crook here.

Salesman: What did you call me? (stands up and who’s very tall and strong)

Kristoff: Okay. Okay, I'm-Ow! Whoa! (He is thrown out by the man)


1.These are from our winter stock, where supply and demand have a big problem. 结合语境,这里应该翻译成“供不应求”。

supply and demand:供求关系

2.I sell ice for a living. 我靠卖冰为生。


1It’s not a great job, but it’s a living.

2So what do you do for a living? 你靠什么谋生?

3I want to make a living being creative.

3. That's a rough business to be in right now. 这天气卖冰可不好卖啊!

4.I will throw in a visit to Oaken's sauna. 赠送一次桑拿

(1)throw in'to add something to what you are selling, without increasing the price'

例:When we bought the car, the dealer threw in the floor mats.

(2)sauna['sɔnə] 桑拿

例:take a sauna洗桑拿

5.Help me out. 这里是“帮帮忙”的意思。

help out 两个意思

to help someone who is busy by doing some of their work for them

We’re thinking of hiring a couple of people to help out in the store.

to give help or support to someone who has problems

It’s an organization that helps out people in need.

6.back up:这里是“退后”的意思。

例:Back up a bit so that everyone can see you.

7.I deal with this crook^here. 根据“省音原则:任何一个辅音,若后面紧跟着/h//h/可以不发音”,crook hereh不发音,这两个词连读,/kru:kiə/。听的时候注意一下。





