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《Mastering the American Accent》掌握纯正美语

发布时间:2018年12月14日 04:20:29 评论 · 2854浏览

来自斯坦福的语言学家录制的精美视频,专门针对non native speaker的发音难点重点突破,全书50个小诀窍,让你迅速获益。谁用谁知道,谁用谁进步!
《Mastering the American Accent》来自斯坦福的语言学家录制的精美视频,专门针对non native speaker的发音难点重点突破,全书50个小诀窍,让你迅速获益。谁用谁知道,谁用谁进步!

《Mastering the American Accent》和《American Pronunciation Workshop》互有不同,视频质量更高些,对比交叉学习,进步更大(书中提供了大量APW中没有提及的进阶技巧,几乎是全方位无死角的扫除美音发音的所有特点,正如封面所说,涵盖了原音辅音语调节奏四大块)

This combination book and audio instructional program is designed to diminish the accents of men and women who speak English as their second language. It will help them speak standard American English with clarity, confidence, and accuracy. Specific exercises concentrate on vowel sounds, problematic consonants such as V, W, TH, the American R, and the often confusing American T sound. It teaches them to employ correct syllable stress, emphasize the correct words in a sentence for native sounding rhythm, speak with American intonation, link words for smoother speech flow, use common word contractions, and more. Additional topics that often confuse ESL students are also discussed and explained. They include distinguishing between casual and formal speech, homophones (for instance, they're and there), recognizing words with silent letters (comb, receipt, and others), and avoiding embarrassing pronunciation mistakes, such as mixing up "beach" and "bitch." Students are familiarized with many irregular English spelling rules and exceptions, and are shown how such irregularities can contribute to pronunciation errors. A native language guide references problematic accent issues of 13 different language backgrounds. Correct lip and tongue positions for all sounds are discussed in detail. There is also a link to downloadable audio that uses male and female voices to coach correct American-style pronunciation.



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