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《Help Your Child With Numeracy Ages 7-11》DK出品高清绘本

发布时间:2018年11月20日 05:03:23 评论 · 1166浏览

今天分享的资源是DK出品高清绘本《Help Your Child With Numeracy Ages 7-11》,该套绘本是为7~11岁的美国少儿准备的教材,因词汇量及英语水平不同,中国少儿请勿参照此年龄学习。建议英语基础好,习惯双语学习的初中学生可参考阅读。
今天分享的资源是DK出品高清绘本《Help Your Child With Numeracy Ages 7-11》,该套绘本是为7~11岁的美国少儿准备的教材,因词汇量及英语水平不同,中国少儿请勿参照此年龄学习。建议英语基础好,习惯双语学习的初中学生可参考阅读。

只看绘本怎么够,想要孩子英语尽快提高,还需要专业的老师来引导授课。来阿卡索即可免费领取价值300元的少儿英语课程:http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/lps/children/children.htm?_s=bbs 在线外教一对一,原汁原味的英语发音,让学员更快的融入到学习当中,更快的接受新的知识,课程可录制,上课过程互动很多,小孩子都喜欢~ 现在使用百度钱包分期付款,还可享受6期免息哦!

This is a colourful and easy-to-follow guide on numeracy for parents of children aged 7-11 that will demystify what children are being taught in school.Maths is good for you! Research has shown that: numeracy exercises are very good for the brain; in the long term, numeracy helps employment prospects, and Maths qualifications can lead to more earning power.Are you the parent or carer of a child aged 7-11 keen to help with school work at home but worried that you might not do a good job?Presented as a colourful and easy-to-follow guide, this book will demystify what children are being taught in school and is brimming with ideas on how you can help your child with their numeracy at home. It will: secure your own knowledge; give you ideas of how to help your child; provide exercises to do with your child; show you what schools are trying to do; lead you to more resources; and most important of all, it will help you make maths fun!Rosemary Russell has much experience helping parents help their children with their numeracy skills. This book will show you that you are the very best person for the job, and will give you the incentive to spend quality time with your child so that you can learn together and improve your child's chances to do well and be happy in school.



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