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发布时间:2019年10月24日 06:36:27 评论 · 2176浏览





少儿慢速英语儿歌:One little finger(一根小手指)

One little finger one little finger one little finger tap tap tap

Point your finger up

Point your finger down

Put it on your head head

One little finger one little finger one little finger tap tap tap

Point your finger up

Point your finger down

Put it on your nose nose

One little finger one little finger one little finger tap tap tap

Point your finger up

Point your finger down

Put it on your ear ear

One little finger one little finger one little finger tap tap tap

Point your finger up

Point your finger down

Put it on your mouth mouth

One little finger one little finger one little finger tap tap tap

Point your finger up

Point your finger down

Put it on your eye

One little finger one little finger one little finger tap tap tap

Point your finger up

Point your finger down

Put it on your foot foot

少儿慢速英语儿歌:How's the weather(天气歌)

How's the weather?

How's the weather?

How's the weather today?

Is it sunny?

Is it rainy?

Is it cloudy?

Is it snowy?

How's the weather today?

Let's look outside.

How's the weather?

Is it sunny today?

Let's look outside.

How's the weather?

Is it rainy today?

Let's look outside.

How's the weather?

Is it cloudy today?

Let's look outside.

Is it snowy today?

How's the weather?

How's the weather?

How's the weather today?

Is it sunny?

Is it rainy?

Is it cloudy?

Is it snowy?

How's the weather today?

少儿慢速英语儿歌:Bye Bye Goodbye(再见歌)

Bye bye.Goodbye.


I can clap my hands.

I can stamp my feet.

I can clap my hands.

I can stamp my feet.

Bye bye.Goodbye.


Bye bye.Goodbye.



<上一篇 小学英语语法大全是什么样的,有什么分享

下一篇> 在线少儿英语培训有用吗,有哪些好处




