
  • 人的英语怎么说?人的英语怎么组句


    人的英语怎么说?人的英语:people(泛指人)human(人类)person(特指一个人)例句:1.那部电视连续剧在年轻人中拥有一批狂热的迷恋者。The TV series has a cult following among young people. 2.参加问卷调查的所有人中有四分之一没有表示明确意见。A quarter of all the people surv

    2021-04-28 2767浏览

  • 甚至的英语单词有哪些?甚至的英语例句


    甚至的英语单词有哪些?甚至:even to the extent that另外,even;so far as to;so much so that也有甚至的意思。常见短语:他甚至怀疑事实。He doubts even the facts.这一点对物理学甚至更适用。This applies even more to physics.她甚至连“再见”都没说就走了。She left without so much as saying “goo

    2021-04-28 12281浏览

  • 国际用英语怎么说?国际用英语怎么组句


    国际用英语怎么说?国际的英语是:international读音:英[ɪntənʃ(ə)n(ə)l] 美[,ɪntɚnʃnəl]释义:adj.国际的;国际通用的n.国际体育比赛(选手);外国人n. (International)共产国际(组织)例句:We have to look at everything from an international perspective. 我们必须要从一个国际视角

    2021-04-28 5488浏览

  • 大量的用英语怎么说?大量的用英语怎么组句


    大量的用英语怎么说?大量的用英语表示:massive;substantial;a large number of;a great deal of;a lot of(一)massive1.There was evidence of massive fraud. 有证据表明是巨额欺诈。2.He died six weeks later of a massive heart atta

    2021-04-28 5376浏览

  • 点的英语有哪些?点的英语例句


    点的英语有哪些?名词:drop;spot;dot;speck量词:tiny amount;a little;a bit;some动词:put a dot;touch lightly as with finger, brush or rod;touch on very briefly;skim例句:1.雄鸟喙上有一个红点。The male bird has a red spot on its beak.

    2021-04-28 3589浏览

