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发布时间:2021年03月26日 05:11:26 评论 · 3068浏览

小蝌蚪找妈妈的英语版读物 以下是小蝌蚪找妈妈(全英文版)


The Tadpoles Look For Their Mommy
A group of tadpoles live in a pond happily.
One day ,a tadpole says:“Everyone has a mommy ,but who is our mommy”
“Yes ,who is our mommy?”
“l want a mommy.”
“l miss mommy.”
“why not look for our mommy?”
“Good idea!Let’s go!”
They are swimming around .Then they meet a duck .
“Is she our mommy?”
“Are you our mommy?”
“No,I’m not your mommy.I’m a duck.l am duckling’s mommy.”
“Do you know who our mommy is what does she look like?
“Your mommy’s name is frog.your mommy has two big eyes and a big mouth.”
“Thank you !Thank you !We are going to look for our mommy .See you later”
“Good luck!”
They are swimming around .Then they meet a fish .
“She has two big eyes and a big mouth .Is she our mommy?”
“Are you our mommy?”
“No,I’m not your mommy.I’m a fish.l am little fish’s mommy.”
“Do you Know who our mommy is What does she look like?
“Your mommy’s name is Frog.Your mommy has two big eyes、a big mouth and a big white stomach”
“Thank you !Thank you !We are going to look for our mommy .See you later”
“Good luck!”
They are swimming around .Then they meet a crab .
“She has two big eyes、a big mouth and a big white stomach .Is she our mommy?”
“Are you our mommy?”
“No,I’m not your mommy.I’m a crab.l am little crabs’mommy.”
“Do you know who our mommy is What does she look like?
“Your mommy’s name is Frog.Your mommy has Two big eyes、a big mouth、a big white stomach and four legs”
“Thank you !Thank you !We are going to look for our mommy .See you later”
“Good luck!”
They are swimming around .Then they meet a tortoise .
“She has Two big eyes、a big mouth、a big white stomach and four legs”.Is she our mommy?”
“Are you our mommy?”
“No,I’m not your mommy.I’m a tortoise.l am little tortoise’mommy.”
“Do you know who our mommy is What does she look like?
“Your mommy’s name is Frog.Your mommy has Two big eyes、a big mouth、a big white stomach、four legs and a green back”
“Thank you !Thank you !We are going to look for our mommy .See you later”
“Good luck!”
They go on swimming .
At this time ,a frog approaches.She has two big eyes,a big mouth ,a big white stomach 、four legs and a green back
“Are you our mommy?”
“Sure ,my dear babies.Come on!”
"Mommy !Mommy !We have a mommy”
“Mommy ,l love you!”

<上一篇 少儿英语教材怎么选?有家长朋友分享真实经验吗?

下一篇> 成年人在线学英语去哪家机构好?这里是个好地方!




