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发布时间:2021年05月14日 03:56:56 评论 · 5673浏览

转英文:turn around】例句:I want to turn around this great company with you.1:【turn around】例句:I want to turn around this great company with you.我希望能与你一起拯救这家伟大的公司。You are going east; to go west, you have to turn around.你正在向东走,去西

转英文:turn around】例句:I want to turn around this great company with you.

1:【turn around】

例句:I want to turn around this great company with you.


You are going east; to go west, you have to turn around.


2:【make a circle】

例句:The children linked hands to make a circle.孩子们挽起手来围成一个圈。

So, he said. frist make a circle with a sharp thin piece of whale bone.就这样,他说,先把一根又尖又细的鲸鱼骨头弯成一个圈。

3:【circle Around】

例句:When I opened them, the group of lunatics who roam this courtyard had formed a closed circle around me.当我睁开眼睛的时候,原来在这院子里闲逛的那群疯子,在我的周围形成了一个密密实实的圈子。

Night vision problems, such as halos (often described as a shimmering circle around light sources such as headlights or street lamps).夜视问题,例如患者可能看到光晕(指光源如探照灯或路灯周围的一圈闪烁光环)。

4:【Spin The Circle】

例句:What is amazing is the Nano's turning circle – its tiny wheels can spin it around in the same space as a London black cab.让人感叹的是Nano的转弯半径--它的小钢轮使它可以绕着伦敦的黑色出租车转圈

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