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发布时间:2018年11月06日 06:11:08 评论 · 1917浏览





https://www.acadsoc.com.cn/lps/lp-tutor/mix-tutor.htm (真人外教)

https://www.acadsoc.com.cn/lps/lp4.htm (英语口语)

1.试着做练习.Try exercise.

2.在下一页找答案。Find the exercise on the next page.

3.第二部分不用做。Leave out the second part.

4.一题隔一题回答。Answer every other question.

5.让我们分组练习。Let's practice in groups.

6.我想让你们做练习三。I want you to do Exercise 3 as well.

7.你们可以把它视为热身练习。You can use it as warming—up exercise.

8.让我们做一些替换练习。Let’s do some substitution drills.

9.回答前五个问题。Answer the first five questions.

10.让我们从头到尾把练习做完。Let’s go through the exercise.

11. Use your head.动动脑筋。

12.Good idea!That makes sense.好主意。有道理。

13.Whose turn is it?轮到谁了?

14.Now you’re going to read one by one.现在你们依次朗读。

15.Who’s next?接下来是谁?

16.You’re next.接下来是你。

17.It’s your turn.轮到你了。

18.Just hands.No voices.不要说,请举手。

19.Do it on your own.自己做。

20.From the very beginning.从头开始。

21.大家现在注意了。Everyone,attention please.

22.先做到这,都回到座位上。Stop where you are and come back to your seats.

23.你必须用钢笔写。You must use your pen to write.

24..圈出合适的答案。Tick the sentences you hear.

25.要写得整齐。Write it neatly.

26.写出的字迹要清楚。.Write it out legibly.

27.做练习前把铅笔削好。Sharpen your pencil before you do your exercises

28.请勾出你所听到的句子。Circle the appropriate answer.

29.标出正确的答案。Mark the right answer.

30.请做练习题。Do the exercise.

31.我们会有一个简单的测验。We’ll have a simple test.

32.我们现在听写。We will have a dictation,now.

33.我们做个小考吧。Let’s take a quiz.

34.小测是圆满结束一篇课文的好方法。A quiz is a good way of rounding off a text.

35.我来看看你们做得怎么样。I will see how well you did.

36.第一题的答案是什么?What is the answer to Number 1?

37.第二题你们的答案是什么?What answer have you got for Question 2?

38.在第三十页上检查答案。Check your answer on Page 30.

39.与同桌交换卷子,改错。Change your papers with your desk-mates and correct mistakes.

40.谁能读出第三题的答案?Who would like to read out the key to Question 3?

41.你们想玩哪个游戏?Which game do you want to play?

42.你们必须严格遵守规则。You have to follow the rules well.

43.获胜队将会得到一份礼物。The winning team will get a present.

44.让我们做个游戏。Let’s play a game.

45.现在让我们玩个猜谜/拼写/计算游戏。Now we will play a guessing/spelling/counting game.

46.答错一个扣一分。Take off a point for every one wrong.

47.答对一个给自己加一分。Give yourself one point for every correct answer.

48.数一数得多少分。Count up your points.

49.你得了多少分?How many points did you score?

50.这个游戏我们得把某个人的眼睛蒙上。For this game we have to blindfold somebody.

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