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发布时间:2017年11月08日 03:31:42 评论 · 2077浏览







关于段落安排我主要是根据上述推荐书籍里找出2到3个适合我的开头段落模板,然后套上自己的语言。我很喜欢那种开头段4到5句话的模板,虽然有点罗嗦,但是托福作文本来就是展现语言能力的考试,把你平时知道的越高级的词写出来没什么不对的。我喜欢用让步式开头,一来字数多,二来可以展现你的逻辑能力。关于主体段,我一般喜欢写3段,前两段用来提出EVIDENCE 和EXAMPLE,后一段用来让步。这样做一来可以凑字数,二来可以充分证明,因为没有绝对正确和错误的作文题目,所以两方面来写比较有力一些。

当然,那种绝对一边倒的文章也是很好写的,如果你有足够多的理由当然可以写一边倒的结构。关于每段具体内容,一般来讲主体段的每一段的第一句都是表明观点的句子,都是KEY SENTENCE。接下来就要用例子或逻辑来证明你的观点。

比如有一道题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers now have more influence on their students than they were in the past. 这篇文章我采用的是一边倒的方式,同意这个观点。在开头段中,我是这样写的:In this present-day society, some people argue that teachers have more influence on their students than they were in the past. It seems justifiable since conventional school students have to spend six, seven or eight hours daily with their teachers in school. However, such belief has obviously ignored books, digital technology and peers, which are playing pivotal role on students currently. As a result, it is safe to conclude that teachers have less influence on their students than in the past.



Undeniably, it has been widely recognized that books have been playing an essential role of kids. Encouraged by parents and teachers, students tend to read a wide range of books, such as science fiction, novels, detective stories and etc. In this case, those books will definitely have a deep and far-reaching impact on them mentally and psychologically. This point can be best illustrated with the case of me. When I was in my high school, I have been interested in literature. Therefore, I have read a huge amount of famous novels and ancient poems. Influenced by those books, I have made a determination to study Chinese in my college and dreamed of publishing my own novels one day. After years of arduous efforts, I finally fulfilled my goals.

Besides, thanks to the technological innovation, the digital technology, such as television, the Internet and the cell phone, has become more accessible to students that an increasing number of students have been addicted to them. For example, in American, it has been estimated that kids between the ages of 10 to 16 spend an average of six hours a day in front of a screen. Without appropriate censorship, the current TV programs are saturated with violent and pornographic contents. It is every likelihood that kids are susceptible to the side effects to them. Plus, the overwhelming amount of advertising on the TV, radio and the internet will easily sway the opinions on students who are too young to have autonomy and personal judgment.

More importantly, students have been easily influenced by their peers at present. Traditionally, the test-orientated educational philosophy rendered students concentrate their minds on studying alone. They seldom spend time hanging out with classmates and friends. However, things have changed considerably. Not only schools but also parents have put a premium on fostering the inter-personal skills of the kids. Thus, kids have been encouraged to participate into various kinds of activities with peers. Therefore, on the one hand, students have got acquainted with many new chums and gained valuable friendship. On the other hand, they have been deeply influenced by their friends. For example, recently, a lot of students are likely to purchase fancy clothes and accessories and this trend is not restricted with wealthy students but also evident among poorer students. It is the peer pressure that impels youngsters to follow suit.



In conclusion, with the rapid development of information technology, students could acquire knowledge and information from more diversified sources. They are, by no means, the solely listeners of their teachers. As a consequence, teachers have less influence on students than they were in the past.












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